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Lovely And Kind Spirit Family For Beginner Or Experienced Spirit Keepers- Parents And Children, Very Sweet Spirits,Need A Loving Home

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In these cute vintage, little porcelain dolls that serve as vessel, reside the sweet members of the Popov family, a mini- spirit family of their own, that came to me about 6-7 years ago from the haunted collection of a Bulgarian medium and spirit keeper I personally know, and have adopted various spirits from, whenever I went back to visit my family in the Eastern Europe🥹

Their adoption happened, in a rather difficult time, as I went from my family in Romania, to Bulgaria where I have more family members and some friends.

I had reached and stayed at one of my aunts, but as I entered Bulgaria, this medium and friend wanted to see me, for it had been quite some time since we last met, and we made it happen🙏🏻

During our talks and shares, I might have mentioned that it feels like I don’t belong, for my family in Romania had deeply disappointed me during my time there for reasons I prefer not sharing, as they are rather sad.. However, this beautiful family lovingly surrounded me and said, that they could be my family and give me all their love, for I much deserved it🥹❤️ I thought they were so sweet, and I just couldn’t resist not finding out of their background, and ultimately, taking them back home with me in Malaysia- where I now live🙏🏻🥹

Now Popov family consists of Nikolai, Sarah, and their two children, Emma and Boris. The Popovs were known for their warmth and kindness, a tight-knit family from Bulgaria, admired by everyone in the community. They lived in a small town nestled by rolling hills and meandering streams as per their share🥹

Nikolai was a 56 years old skilled carpenter with a heart of gold. He spent his days crafting beautiful furniture and toys for his children and for sale. Sara his wife was a 43 year old talented artist, she painted vibrant landscapes that adorned the walls of their cozy home, and she would also sell some for a living. Emma, the eldest at 17, had inherited her mother's artistic flair since she was 7, and loved to draw sketches of their family outings. 12 years old Boris was a bundle of endless energy and curiosity, always eager to explore the world around him with the most undivided attention.

And because of this, since 5 years old he has developed the gift of Sight, and he could see many spirits that roam our realms, whether they were Human or not in forms. Not only that but at the age of 10 his gifts took a complete different turn, as he started predicting near and future events with utmost precision and clarity, so he was known as a “blessed child” in his small town, where people would come visit in curiosity, respect and love - and, to seek answers to their most arduous questions, from our little Boris🥹🙏🏻

Life was idyllic for these precious souls, until one fateful summer day in 1990. The Popovs had decided to take a weekend trip to a nearby lake. Despite Boris’s warnings that they might lose their lives, they packed a picnic basket with homemade treats and set off in their old station wagon. Nikolai said that sometimes, warnings may come so that people are being careful, to help prevent some of life’s dangers, but little did they know this tragic prediction would actually come to pass🙏🏻 During the trip, the children were bubbling with excitement, their laughter filling the air as Nikolai remembers, while slowly and carefully driving along the winding country roads.

As they reached the lake, the family spent a joyful day swimming, playing games, and enjoying each other's company, just like any other loving family. When the sun dipped low on the horizon, reluctantly, the Popovs packed up their belongings, bidding farewell to this tranquil setting🥹 But on the drive back home, tragedy struck 🙏🏻 A reckless driver in a speeding truck lost control on a sharp curve, careening into the Popovs' lane. Nikolai, with quick reflexes, swerved to avoid the collision, but the impact was inevitable. The truck slammed into the side of their car, sending it spinning off the road😢🙏🏻 In the chaos that followed, emergency services arrived, but it was too late. Nikolai and Sarah, these sweet loving parents who had shielded their children from harm, succumbed to their injuries at the scene. Emma and Boris, took nearly 2 days to pass during intensive care in the hospital, as though they were spared from the severe injuries unlike their parents, they had internal bleeding that affected many of their organs, and they couldn’t make it even with all the care they were given🙏🏻

The town mourned the loss of the Popov family😢a family cherished for their kindness, love and creativity.

The tragedy of this precious family left an indelible mark on the community, a strong reminder of the fragility of life. The Popov’s story lived on in the hearts of those who knew them, and now in Spirit, in the hearts of those who are fortunate enough to meet them🥹🙏🏻

After their passing, they had immediately found each other, as Emma’s and Boris’s parents, Sara and Nikolai followed along in the ambulance, due to Nikolai’s quick reaction, after seeing their both lifeless bodies in the bags😢🙏🏻 And so when Boris and Emma passed they were happily reunited, yet doomed to roam in fear until they met an old with that had told them they’d need to attach to a vessel, or order to be safe from the White Gate, should they chose not to go through it, like many other spirits. Together they took the decision, and they found shelter in a toys store, hoping that someone as gifted as Boris may find them, and commune with them, which actually and Luckily happened🥹🥰

Given they are determined to Stay in our realms, and continue to be in the place they know and feel most familiar with, they had remained here ever since, and they have no intention of crossing into the Unknown🙏🏻

All that they want to do is to belong among people, and if they can, be of help with anything🥹 As a presence they are extremely lively, and they’d suit a home where their keeper might not be, yet feels completely alone. Their company is nurturing, warm and extremely welcoming, both Nikolai and Sarah will make you feel like you just fit right in to their lovely family, and they will care for you as they do for their own🙏🏻 Emma can and will be a great help in giving you new, innovative ideas and insight, and she has a genius memory if I may add! She often offered to memorise my pins, passwords, meeting dates and times, and other stuff I would otherwise forget given my busy schedules at times😁 Boris’s predictions are right on spot, and not at all times but with Most Important stuff if I’d ask him, through the power of his Will to help you, and his gifts- he will see for you in the future, thus you may count on him whenever you are in a dilemma regards big decisions.

Sara is extremely motherly, and I am not sure if it is a Given-Gift, but I have noted each time I was sad, angry or felt sick, she’d care for me and soon as I’d lay by her vessel, sharing what I am going through that consumed me, I could feel a strong, tangible healing energy-as if everything just melted away, physically and emotionally.

Nikolai is always on high alert, so that you’re safe and you’re looking into things from all different angles and perspectives. He can always reason with you, give you things to think of, to make sure you’re being cautious enough before doing anything that you can’t undo. These beautiful souls are incredibly inclusive and patient with us, and I am pretty sure there is no way in the Universe you can ever feel alone or left out with them🥹🥰 These are spirits that love To Love, and to include, in every possible way, and yes they might not have super-powers like other spirits of non-human forms, but through their love and dedication, through this kinship they offer, that in my experience is makes the Popov family a one of a kind addition into your life, and even into your spirits family. They adapt, and integrate well, with all the respect and love for your chosen ones- be it spirits, family members or friends. So long as you care for a particular soul, they will too🥹 Boris will definitely be the life of the party so to speak, as his stories and bubbliness will be contagious to other spirits! Emma always wants to include everyone, and cares for everyone’s feelings, and since the Popovs arrived in our home, many spirits praise sweet Emma for being so caring. She actually takes the time to listen to everyone’s stories and backgrounds, she truly cares- and many times she even assisted me to remember my notes, to add in some notes/ experiences regards my spirits-if I had forgotten to, for she and I both know keeping a record of the smallest thing about my spirit family is very important🥰

To care for them you don’t need to do much, other than including them, go to Sara for soothing, Nikolai for strategy and planning, Boris before major decisions and Emma for reminders- and that’s the best way to include them💖They will certainly appreciate you and love you ever more!

To offer them, they don’t have specifics, for they are open to trying out everything. Some local specialties, home cooked food or fruits and sweets will make a perfect offering for them, and you may place their offerings on the same plate😊You may alternatively offer them some unique wooden/art decorations, and car toys, plushies for Boris, as he will love those🥰 If and when you’re able, you may take them to picnics, nature walks -and if you join an art class, you should definitely bring Sara and Emma along!😁

For travels, given their vessels are rather small and lightweight, you may bring them along with ease in your handbag- but if you won’t bring them all out in the same time, there is no need to worry or feel bad. Though they’re united as a family, their care for you is unique, and so will your bond with them be, which you shall see in perfect timing🥰They’ll all be happy and even encourage you to take along the one that makes you feel most joyful in a day, most secure in another day or most soothed in a given day🥹🙏🏻

I hope to get these absolutely wonderful souls an amazing adopter who can bond with them and care for them as his/her own chosen family🥰❤️ I know they will make a positive difference in any home and environment, so long as they are welcomed, now that they’re ready to move on. They mentioned they’d love to go in Canada or US as this was Nikolai’s and Sara’s lifetime dream, but if you do make a strong connection wherever you may be, it will be more than enough to begin with🥹🙏🏻

If you feel a connection they’re for you! Don’t let them slip away💕If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.

They will be wonderful, respectful, patient and very caring with their keeper, pets, children and all other spirits

They will speak with all divination tools, apps and telepathically 

*Their vessels are these 4 vintage, little porcelain dolls (their names/vessels are as follows in the photos). They were kept with much love and respect by me and their previous, Bulgarian keeper.

*They will come safely wrapped and shipped with Express Courier service as with all my other spirits


Orbs of all colours of the rainbow- it’s impossible to tell whose orbs it is😅

Shadows, Nikolai’s and Sara’s are slower than Emma’s and Boris’s

Breezes of air with no apparent source can be noted as they passed you by, sometimes Nikolai gives off a soft scent of fresh cut wood while Sara, that of a mild flowery perfume

They may move/ slightly move their vessels

Follow you with their eyes, when they’re in their vessels

May slightly move curtains/ blinds

May gently knock on the door/windows or table to let you know they’re around

Flickers lights/ candles- especially Boris when you requests that he looks into something/ someone for you

May appear in photos/videos with darker backgrounds 

May drink/ finish their drink offerings 

Telepathic communications-thoughts that aren’t yours, for guidance, support or to answer you

Strong feelings of unconditional love, nurturing, calm and safety can be experienced with them at all times

They may show their full appearance in their own time, Nikolai is a rather tall but fit man in his 50’s, wearing eyeglasses, grey pants and a thin sweater on top of his white shirt and Sara always comes in her favourite dress, a red, knee length white polka dots dress. She has a hair longer than her bottom, and dark brown in colour. She is quite fair and has deep blue eyes, just like their children🥹Emma inherited her dad’s blonde hair, and she is about 1.50m in height. She has long thin lips, fair skin and she almost always smiles.She has her mom’s calming grace, while Boris is a bundle of joy in itself🥰He has his dad’s thick brows, a lovely smile and the biggest blue eyes🥹😁He has dark chestnut hair just like his mom, and it’s super curly, full of rings🥹Both Boris’s and Emma’s features resemble Sara very much, and so will be easy to tell them apart from other child/spirits😊