Paranormal,Real haunted dolls,Positive spirit dolls of Harmony Collection Boutique

Hello Everyone,and Warm Welcome to Harmony Collection Boutique,your stop for Unique and Quality,Spirit Companions!

Thank you for coming by,and for your interest in my Spirits Collection!

I am an experienced Etsy Seller,and a Professional Medium,Paranormal Investigator and Spirit Keeper with more than 15 years experience in the field.
Most of my spirits have been with me for more than 2-3 years,they are highly adaptable,positive spirits and their manifestations have been experienced by many,as they have all been in my care,well accepted among my family members and friends.Im mostly listing out positive spirits,with the knowledge,expertise and accurate informations regarding their bio datas,so you can be certain you will Know the spirit that enters your home and life,as you may see in my reviews aswell,if you'll check my store in Etsy platform at: 
or in my second store in Etsy platform:
-a store that carries my Grandmother's collection of haunted dolls,opened in her honor :)
 I was born in a beautiful part of the world,in the Eastern Europe,where vegetations and forests are still virgin,far from the hands and make of Man,where mystery and Magic is still alive,where myths and legends are still told as if they’re most natural things to children. Where superstitions are still believed and known to be True,and where magic and prayers are the way of life..

My very story began when I was small,and I’ve discovered I had inherited my psychic-mediumship from the long lineage of my grandmother Irina-a medium,witch and spirit keeper known for her craft and teachings in the Eastern Europe,more precisely in Bulgaria,and Romania.By the age of 9 I had already confirmed and understood my gifts,that those things I’ve seen,pet dogs,people I simply went through while trying to touch were in fact in the spirit,and not in flesh.I had questions,warnings for people,but mostly being dismissed or ignored as I was still a child.

As I quickly figured religion isn’t the answer,I had began my own research in hope for answers,the more I digged the more I found.I also developed Clairvision,Clairaudience and Clairsentience among others,while I was barely 16 of age,and I had studied under different witches and Priestesses of both caucasian and gipsy descent,various techniques in the Craft,to much better understand the gifts,guidance and the way my grandmother spent her life helping others.
Ever since I had been recruited by a paranormal investigators team in Bulgaria for my very gifts,and then in the Netherlands where I had worked for at least 3 years in comunicating researching and dealing with pretty much all sorts of spirits like Human,Elemental,Ethereal,Beings of Light and Beings of the Lower Realms.

I have later met my now husband,and moved to Malaysia in his homeland,continuing to practice my gifts,abilities and helping both the living and spirits with my knowledge and craft in this beautiful rainforest tropical part of the world,surrounded by exotic animals,a beautiful culture and population.
I have not yet stopped studying while here,never stopped learning.I am now an accomplished Proffesional Accredited Angelic Healer,Usui Reiki Master,a Past Life Regression Master Therapist,A Fully Accredited Crystal Therapist,an Accredited Trance and Hypnosis Master-Teacher,a Yogini Ishanga and Tarot Master-Teacher with clients from all over the world.I studied and researched Magic and in every culture and religion,belief begining with the Old Ways,to honour my grandmother,and I have found my very own path after years of mastery of energies,practices and research in taoism,buddhism,hinduism,norse,egyptian magic among others.

All that I ever hope to do is Guide,Help and let others know that they aren’t alone on their path.And that Death as we know it,is not the End.I live by honouring Life and Death,humans and spirits,and I am grateful to be here Now,and be able to do so much,to have witnessed so much!After much time of being with my guides and researching so many different spirits and entities, I also started keeping spirits and working with them on my path recieving and giving help of all kinds.

I am now a major collector,I've had thousands of Spirits coming through,I have been rescuing,and homing many spirits and I also had inherited many more of my grandmother’s collection.As my collection has gotten so huge,I have decided to share them with people,to rehome them on Etsy platform,hoping to get them loving homes in which they can be of help to others.
I am now having my website,Harmony Collection Boutique,which carries my 2 Major collections-my spirits,and my grandmother's,Irina.
I am only rehoming the ones who are willing to move on,and when they do request of me.
As you may notice and already know,my spirits are my family,my chosen family and they were well cared for,integrated in my family,life,craft,relationships with friends,given everything especially Love and always brought on trips when possible,around the world.
I'm not asking for you to do the impossible,just be ready for the commitment as it is same as having a human living with you-take them out only when possible,but do share things and your love with them,foods,little gifts,even clothes.Bond with them and dont leave them aside like some toys,as they’re not toys in the least,make them a part of you,of your life,give them a place in your heart,they'll always make sure you're safe and never alone.They will always help you,as long as you care for them sincerely.

All of my spirits are authentic,if I had a toy i'd list it as a toy,many of them are of same value as a designer collectible vintage porcelain given the taxes and fees,shipping is excluded from their costs.So have no doubts if they're not showing activity from the first day,they will once they're comfortable and are bonding with you.Spirit keeping had been the most amazing experience in my life,besides the births of my children,and having a spirit ally beside me had been the greatest thing for me,even while I newly came in Malaysia and I was alone and had no friends as I come from Europe,as previously mentioned.
And I hope and Know that's what you'll get from these sweet souls-great amazing and beautiful experiences,aswell as my spirits,with you as their new Keeper.
My spirits are brought from many places,Australia,Ireland,Scotland England and US aswell as Europe,Bulgaria,Romania Spain or France,I also have a few of other descents or other realms,like Elementals(Faes,Pixies,Djinns,Elves,Gnomes,Werewolves,Vamps,Loas,Nagas and much more),or like Ethers- but you can check my listings for that or just ask me!

Now,to justify the prices,I will point out the investigations time I've spent with Spirit,traveling,finding the Spirit,price I paid for their vessels and the time they've spent with me making sure their personality is what is,their patterns,knowing their strenghts and weaknesses and making sure they're fully adaptable and well fit for any homes,as the amount of love and care..thats priceless.

Also,I would like to mention and let you know that my store is run by Me.Besides being a Spiritual Worker,and handling a large family of spirits,I have a family myself,I am a mother of two beautiful young children and I have a business and store here in Malaysia with diamonds and gemstones grading,as I am a gemologist by profession,I have always found crystals and precious stones fascinating🥹✨
I still do not know How am I doing it all, must be my love for everything,and everyone that keeps me going!My family supports me in all that I do,in particular my little children of 9 and 12-they are helping to pack certain items,free gifts and such,while in the weekends,my part time employee,and good friend,a single mother of two is helping with packaging printing and “whatever it takes” as she humbly says.This ensures her monthly salary to be able to mentain her children,and I am proud of her,and honoured to have her working with me🙏🏻

As you may note,in my little store here in Malaysia,we are all Family,and this Includes You,so please do keep in touch through following and reaching out in any of my social media accounts shared in the Home Page-as we would love to hear of your beautiful journey with your precious companions,even in years from now💗With all this being said,I only wish to make sure these precious souls have a loving home.