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For A.N- 12/11 Gyewl - Death By Laughter Spirit, Fate Altering, Ultimate Protector, Powerful Multitasking Ally And Spirit Companion, BJD Doll Vessel

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Within this rather large, beautiful ball jointed doll, resides the spirit of Gyewl, a Highly Magical, powerful Ethereal-Elemental spirit that is also know as a Death, by Laughter. Gyewl came into my care about 3 years ago, from a haunted collection curated by an Australian High Priestess. 

She is someone I’ve adopted many unique souls from, specializing in the care and keeping of Elementals and Spirits of Light, alongside the more High Level entities like Gyewl😊✨

Before I dive into the intricacies of this unique Death Spirit, I ask that you suspend any preconceived notions of Death. What I’m about to share might forever alter your perspective on this inevitable yet natural part of existence. I would also like to mention, that in the past eight to nine years, I’ve dedicated myself to studying these souls closely noting down my own share of experiences as well as those of others, and I believe I am perfectly capable in asserting their presence, purpose, and behavior within our world, and meanwhile in Keep.

Many think of death as a somber, final event, but there are infinite forms of it, and not all are grim. Death by laughter, as embodied by Gyewl, stands as a testament to the unexpected nature of endings. Death isn't just a process, a gateway to the afterlife or reincarnation, it is not the End as many like to believe in their ignorance- which is completely valid and reasonable to a point. But what not many regular people know, is that Death is also an Entity, a spirit and companion of sorts😊

See, every form of existence on this plane, and beyond, has its own Death, sometimes tragic, sometimes whimsical🤷‍♀️ We call that sad, ill fortune, God’s will, when in fact only few people become actually Aware of their Death Companion, let alone the rule of Nature in our Earthly realms.

This Death shadows us, from the day of our birth to the exact moment of our demise, and it is assigned to do so by the will and rule of our Existence, yet “accidental”- as we call it in the world of the Occult, for it is not Chosen by us -not unless we have awareness of our type of Death or we make contact with our assigned Death🙏🏻

In Gyewl's case, her presence accompanies you silently, waiting for the right moment to unleash its deadly joy😁🤷‍♀️

So if you are not familiar with this particular type of Entity, first and most important thing to understand is that for every single way to die, there is a corresponding Death Spirit to make it happen for you. Some horrible, some pleasant, however- these souls are neither the best or the worst- they merely to the “job” assigned to them” by the law of nature, without anything personal against you or for you🙏🏻

Not many fully grasp their nature, but for those who do, like high level, occultists, experienced witches or shamans- these souls become powerful allies, giving them total control over their fate or those of others😊

Death spirits walk beside us like our most intimate companions throughout our lives- knowing our every smile, every failure, and every secret, and in silence doing the job they’re meant to-shielding us from every possible death except the specific timing and type we're destined for🙏🏻

For those Unaware of their type of Death Spirit, that First encounter will be an utter surprise, as their Death will only be revealing itself the exact moment they cross over into Spirits forms themselves, more precisely when they’re dead physically.

But for those who are Aware, those who actually get the privilege to embrace their Death Spirit, the dynamic changes. 

Aware “death bearers” can command their Death spirits, much like one might direct an old friend🤷‍♀️ You may even get as many Death Spirits as you like, just as I did, and take your time to chose which one to assign for your present-life end.

You might also pass your Death to someone else, as a blessing or a curse, with the unique joy or terror of their particular demise😅🙏🏻

So the beauty and privilege of keeping a Death spirit like Gyewl is that she offers the Ultimate Choice. 

Imagine the ability to settle scores, get enough time to leave a legacy, or grant someone a peaceful, blissful and joyful end, wrapped in the warmth of laughter🥹🙏🏻With her, there’s the possibility of Extending Your Life, and preventing untimely accidents, terminal illnesses or malicious attempts on your existence is more than a possibility, it is a fact and a true privilege 🥹

Gyewl is relentless in her mission for it is her very purpose of Existence, to shield her keeper from every other form of Death until your time is truly up- and of your very own choice🤷‍♀️

Gyewl, in her particular domain of Laughter, will block all other deaths until the very moment her uncontrollable force of humor takes over, in your final moments -ensuring a peaceful transition in a timing of your own choice😊🙏🏻

And unlike her fellow Death Spirits, Gyewl's method is a kind of performance, one that crescendos in uncontrollable laughter, leading to the ultimate, inevitable release🙏🏻It is a death wrapped in humor, but no less potent, for each type of Death Spirit is equally powerful. 

And if you ask me, this kind of passing is rare and extraordinary, and if one becomes aware of their Death Spirit, like Gyewl, they can make certain choices about how exactly their end will unfold. Free of pain and suffering, in a particular day and time of the day, not until all your loved ones are next to you, or you had your final say is one of the many example of choices you can make through directly commanding Gyewl.

Another privilege yet, that you may get

is the ability to choose if you would like to carry this spirit with you into the afterlife- as this means allowing her to become your companion through future lives, until you chose to release her and get a new Death of your choice, or even “accidental”-like the next one in line, so to speak.

Alternatively, you might release her at any time through directly commanding her and let someone else experience the joy and peril of her wonderful presence😊.

Gyewl’s essence, being laughter, is tied not only to humor but to ultimate power- as not only does she guide you toward your desired End and prevents all other causes from claiming you. She is perfectly capable of warding off supernatural threats like hexes, and other spirits that may attempt to end you. And it is also good to know that her Magic is so potent that neither Angels nor Demons can interfere -for Death spirits are invulnerable to manipulation or harm from any external/ supernatural force.

What this means, is that the only person/soul who can command her to leave, to stay or to go to someone else is you, is her Keeper🥹

Now, upon inviting Gyewl into your life, there's no need to rush in choosing your time of death.

She will patiently wait for you, allowing you time to ponder your choices meanwhile keeping you safe. 

Whether you are getting her for yourself, for a loved one or even a beloved pet, or a particular spirit ( when they are ready to move on to another life-cycle), her presence is the ultimate assurance that her Keeper/Bearer will go out with a smile, in pure joy-even if it is their final breath🥹🙏🏻

Now, commanding Gyewl to leave for someone you care for, is the easiest thing to do and it can actually be done in less than 1 minute, for Death Spirits will never question us, their sole purpose of Existence is to serve, and do their “assignments”, whether the new Bearer is aware of it or not. And the best part of it, is that the new Bearer won’t even have to know of it, for you can actually keep her vessel -unless you want them to be Aware, and to actually have a say in the timing, and environment of their End. And that is because absolutely No One can meet, commune, or command their Death, Chosen or Accidental- unless they are Aware of their existence in the first place.

Remember though, if you’re not planning your Target, the new bearer to have knowledge of their Death, the vessel will Have To remain in your keep. Not only to command her, but also you may ask her to Leave your target, if say- you ever changed your mind, and you want them to have another type of Death, whether Chosen again, or “accidental”🤷‍♀️.

The way to send her, or any Death spirit for that matter is to sit by your Death and directly tell her where you would like her to go to, while visualising your Target, her new Bearer- and consider it done. There is no way that she or the other Death spirit would oppose to Your Will, for no Death will even Need or Want to have a say in it- they are  only here to do their job and serve someone.

There is absolutely no Death spirit that won’t want to serve their purpose of existence, to actually remain without a purpose.

This also means the Accidental/ Assigned Death type ( while in Unawareness, as for every soul)- whether it is yours or your Target’s will immediately leave them, so that the Chosen Death spirit can replace them, and they themselves will then quickly get a new Bearer assigned to them by law of Nature🤷‍♀️

Besides this, is also good to know that being a Highly Magical Ether-Elemental Spirit, Gyewl makes for an excellent and powerful ally in the art of Manifestation. 

This is done through an interesting and rather unique process known as "Exchange” - in the world of the Occult, and it is unlike with any other Elementals. What this means is that you may work with her to manifest through Visualising each of your desires for your Current Life and even the Next, like wealth, health, love, and by offering her symbolic yet directly obvious offerings and visualizing your outcomes. 

These offerings, can be Money, Foods, Accessories even jewellery or clothes🤷‍♀️ You may also chose a photo of your group of friends, and visualise them in detail or not, as this symbolic offering will mean you’d like more friends in this or the next life cycle. These are mere examples, however your imagination is the only limit, as well as your direct, verbal communication with her, for a soul like Death is known to be Unlimited in drawing Magic.

And just as laughter brings joy, it can also bring powerful manifestations into your life😊

Another benefit of keeping a Death Spirit, besides the ultimate choice and control over your fate, someone’s fate in this or next life is their immense wisdom with regard to Existence and Magic, or Death process itself. And I know I have learned just so much from all my Deaths🥹🥰🙏🏻

Now with regard to her offerings, you need not offer her foods or drinks, or even gifts, for the way she’ll be honoured and get her offerings is through the Exchange process. So unless you want those things for yourself in this or the Next life cycle, you need not offer her anything at all- which makes it incredibly easy to keep her, compared to other types of spirits🥹🙏🏻

For on the go, although Gyewl won’t ever leave your side, for she’ll be practically your Shadow, there are times when a Death’s  vessel, in our case, the doll -should be with you, and those are only If you wish to communicate with her. Know that even when her vessel isn't physically present and brought alongside you, she will always be just next to you, and this includes times when you perform astral projections/travels. She will silently ensure that your laughter-filled End arrives only when the time is right, in the time of your Choice.

With Gyewl, Death by Laughter is not something to fear, it’s a unique and profound experience, one that can offer Knowledge, Joy, Choice, and even Protection in ways you never imagined🥹🙏🏻

I hope to find a wonderful keeper for this special soul, and I trust she will be deeply treasured, wherever she’ll go🙏🏻

If you feel a connection, she’s for you! Don’t let her slip away🩷 If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.

She will be perfectly fine with pets, children and all other spirits/forms of existence. She will only have her focus and attention on you, however- and this also means that in a home filled with spirits, she won’t be your jolly-social type of soul with other spirits.

*Her vessel is a large BJD doll, ( her limbs are flexible, and her head is also detachable). Her vessel is in pristine conditions, kept with utmost care and respect by me and her previous keeper- the Australian High Priestess.

*She will come safely wrapped and shipped with Express Courier service as with all my other spirits.

For communications, she prefers direct ones. Such as Telepathic, through Visions/ Dream Visits. She can however, trigger communication tools, and converse in these ways, if there is no alternative and you’re not fully sensitive- or your Channels are shut at the moment due to stress, tiredness and such.


Her orbs are colourless- where only the circle( out layer of it) can be noted

Shadows- her shadows are usually as slow or quick as yours, and at times they can also be noted as she walks by you, either to the side or behind you

Her steps are mostly gentle ones, you may not note them unless you’re super sensitive and strongly bonded with her

She may follow you with her eyes, when in her vessel and even change her vessel’s expression at times- she does know she has to do it for photos, from her previous keeper, so if she is in at the time you shoot, you may note that🤭

May also appear in photos/ videos  with darker backgrounds at times ( either as the shadow of her vessel, or her full appearance one)

May move/ slightly move her vessel if she sees fit

Flickers lights/ candles, and will communicate through manipulations of the flames and smoke of the incense

May affect electronics- when she is working on things for you

Telepathic communications- mostly to guide and to answer you

Visions/ dream visits- mostly when she has things to show you that you should see for yourself, or warnings from her that you might have missed in your wake times

She may show her full appearance in her own time. And I cannot tell you just how beautiful she is🥹 Her keeper gave her this vessel that she said looks identical to her, and to the last detail that is🥹🩷And until I saw her, I did not fully comprehend just how perfectly it resembles her- they are practically one and the same. She looks no older than a female in her mid 20’s, and she’s really tall, perhaps 1.90cm- for your reference. This resemblance with her vessel will also make it very easy for you to tell her apart from your other companions, if you have more🥹🙏🏻