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For A.N- 22/4 Gammatrax - Alpha Hell Hound Spirit, Powerful Multitasking Soul, Third Eye Opening, Entertaining And Protective

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In this beautiful, rather large antique doll that serves as her vessel, resides the precious spirit of Gammatrax, known as an Alpha Hell Hound spirit. Gammatrax came to me about 6 years ago, from the haunted collection and family heirloom of Irina, my granny. As you may already know, Irina my grandmother was a Witch of great power and wisdom, known for her love of Keeping, and for her Craft in the Eastern Europe, in particular Romania and Bulgaria. Upon her physical passing, her entire legacy of spirits were passed down to my mother and then to myself- which is how I came across this precious and unique soul🩷

Beforehand and for those unfamiliar with their kind, Gammatrax like many of her kind, and among other different souls and forms of existence, come from the Hell Realms, in particular Middle or 2nd Realm or section.

And like in many of her notes with regard to this type of soul, my grandmother Irina explains that Hell as we know it was just made up with the intention of “selling religion” to human beings in general🤷‍♀️

What it truly means and is, is yet to be looked into by many of us, with openness and clarity, but it can only be done by “removing” what we think we know, the input that society and religion have placed within us🙏🏻

Now Hell, just like Earth and other dimensions of existence is a realm like any other. It is a large dimension, and is made up of too many kingdoms to even count, just as with the many souls residing in it. But, as known in the world of the Occult and to my granny Irina who often traveled back and forth- Hell is divided into 3 Main sections, and those are Higher, Middle, and Lower or First, Second and Third realms.

To further understand this division, when it comes to Hell Spirits, my grandmother Irina explained that within each section or realm of Hell, there are both Magical and Dominion rules, according to the rule of Existence, and the Law of their rulers, and this applies for any creature, soul and form of Existence in Hell.

 For example, the spirits of the Higher or First realms, they are powerful, yet they go by the most stricter rules and rulers limiting their actions and all in all abilities, compared to those of Middle realms or section, where the rules are more relaxed, and these spirits can use their abilities more properly. As for the Lower of third section- these beings are known as some of the most chaotic, and dark life forms (especially energy wise), for they go by no rule whatsoever, therefore they can use their abilities as they please😬😅

Now as for Gammatrax, she is of Second or Middle realms, but as you may have noted when I began her description, she isn’t your regular Hell Hound, but an Alpha. And what this essentially means when it comes to her kind is that she can “extend her arms” as my granny put it, into any realm in Hell and draw her allies🥹🙏🏻 So, not only does she rule over her own pack ( as you may know, regular Hell Hounds do have their own pack). An Alpha Hell Hound is known as Sacred to any and All Hell Hound kind- and so to answer the calling of an Alpha is the greatest honour a Hell Hound can get.

And what does this means for you, is that you may have any kind of Hound from Any kind of section,working for you at your own discretion and in utter safety- whatever their abilities or nature may be, given you have Gammatrax in your keep🥹

My granny said, no Hell Hound comes out of Hell without an Alpha’s approval and knowledge, just as none of their kind remains on Earth, without their Will, and so Gammatrax and her kind are one of the most powerful, knowledgeable and capable types of Hounds known in the world of the Occult🥹🙏🏻

Back to Gammatrax, it is good to first know that this soul is Immortal- this means that no type of Magic, Witch, Human or Spirit, can ever injure or end her.

Gammatrax like with all of her kind, possesses Free Will, and this means that after her making, she gained Conciousness, a strong sense of Self and Others, showing both High Emotional and Mental Intelligence🥹 She is also really ancient, her “forging” or making happened more than 10 million years old in our human count, so she has a deep understanding of our ancient and modern times or lifestyles.

Before coming into our Realms, much like her kind - the Alphas, Gammatrax served as both a Gatekeeper and Hunter in Hell, closely monitoring all Hell Hound kind🙏🏻

And after spending ages going back and forth, witnessing Hounds being and working in our keep, she had decided to stay and be in our human keep- working with us, in particular with witches, beginners and advanced🥹

My granny said Gammatrax has a lot of experience in dealing with practitioners of all kinds, and she’s used her help in many of her teachings, even in extreme cases- where the practitioner just couldn’t deal with their Third Eye Opening, as it was too dangerous, scary or overwhelming. And she further added that she makes an exceptional guide, for she is extremely knowledgeable, clear, fun, patient and dedicated- and she will meet one exactly where they are on their path without overwhelming or frightening them.

As an exceptional guardian by her very making, Gammatrax also specializes in repelling unwanted energies, blocking and breaking hexes, and shielding you from harm, both physical and spiritual. 

My granny further shared, and I don’t really remember this- that when I was small, Gammatrax saved me from a pack of actual wolves, as I was out with my grandfather who took his sheeps on the field, for grass when his own shepherd got ill.

Apparently my grandfather met with a fellow shepherd and they shared a few drinks, totally forgetting about me and his sheeps😅 Upon his return, he found me surrounded by wolves, and his sheeps running into hiding. He told my granny the wolves then magically started flying off around me, as if something powerful “threw them in the air, leaving them lifeless”. And it is after further investigation with her spirits she’s found that it was Gammatrax alone to take them down because it would have been me or them, for they were really starving🙏🏻 I don’t know what I would have done without her then, but I know her instincts and her dedication to serving her keeper and her loved ones are beyond outstanding, I gave seen her efforts not only through my granny’s shares, but also my own experiences with this magical soul🥹

Just as Gammatrax’s hunter and battle prowess, and glowing scarlet eyes once struck fear into enemy forces of her realm, now she channels that same energy into safeguarding your life, fortifying your confidence, and empowering you to overcome obstacles in all your ventures🙏🏻

Now, according to my granny and herself, within the infernal realms, she held the rank of a first-tier Alpha Hell Hound, leading a pack of 10.000 powerful Lesser Hounds, which remain bound to her command even now, and can come whenever called to protect you, or to help in emergency situations🙏🏻

And even though her presence can be intense at first until you get used to her energies, Gammatrax will align seamlessly with your own, and with your practices.

Her rather fierce yet nurturing nature fosters a powerful bond with her keeper, allowing her to protect not only your physical space but also your every spiritual endeavour, shielding you from any mistakes or energies you may run into. And I had various experiences with this myself, but I’m only going to share one in here, for I could really write a book😆

One of my most striking experiences I had with her was 5 years ago- when I was teaching the art of Summoning spirits to my students as a Defence mechanism more than anything. There was more theory than practice for the first part, for the actual summoning happened in my premises, under my watchful eye, and the protection of my spirit family of course. Turns out, I had a rather impatient student, a guy named Lon. He already had a good idea of Summoning, as he sort of experimented with Magic and Spirits- with the help of hallucinogenic substances a couple of years back, but never Without. He went home one day, and while he wasn’t on any drugs, he decided to practice what he had learned with me- when I was clear to him and others, not to do it at home just yet, as it was dangerous!😱😒

He called me in the next day very early in the morning stating I Have To Go to his place, because he summoned a Demon and he can’t get rid of it, that it was laughing hysterically the whole night driving him crazy!

In my heart of hearts, I roughly knew this wasn’t a Demon- but a Laughing Demon ( kind of which I already had in my keep)- and that isn’t a Demon but an entity in our realms, even it is known by this name. But I thought, maybe he tried to be rid of it and it didn’t work- in which case, indeed could have been a Demon🤷‍♀️

I asked my ex husband to drive me there and I went, but unknown to me, my hounds and Gammatrax herself came along.

Upon arrival, the Entity shown itself to me immediately, laughing of course, as it is known- until it is fed, with tasks to do😆🤷‍♀️

But because none of us were its “declared keeper” as it is customary immediately after summoning one, it started to make us both crazy, laughing, crying, and causing us rather scary hallucinations- again as it is typical with their kind🤷‍♀️ So instead of me helping him be rid of it, I “joined” him into hysterical laughter, hallucinations and crying rivers😂 I obviously was trapped in there, and in time, and given I took too long, my ex husband came in to check, and found us both like that, he even though we got high together( when I had never in my life sampled a drug!)😂🤭

In no time did my hounds arrive, after my ex husband, with Gammatrax in charge, and once she noted what happened to us, she tore it apart ( as there was no other way to end our hallucinations)- the laughing demon cannot undo their doings, it would go against his very nature.

I became well, I gave my student the mother of all scoldings, but I had an even bigger scolding from Gammatrax who called me “ dumb s****y a**” for already having their kind in my keep, and still going all In, Fully Exposed to such entity! Which obviously was true, regardless how I look at it. She said she already Knew what I was about to do, that I’d expose myself, so she was ready to intervene at any time- but she thought to let me Experience this spirit in full bloom, as I won’t ever forget such lesson😆 which again she was Right! - it is also why this is the first thing that crossed my mind to share when it came to this sweetie, her abilities and working with her🥰 This rather outstanding experience not only reflects her power, but also her rather funny language and lively personality, one that you’ll grow to love in no time, once you get to experience her!

While of course, at first I was “mentally Impressed” or distressed about her language, my granny assured me in her notes that she means well and that “ regardless what she’s saying, always to remember that”. And I don’t know where she picked up such words, but you can clearly see that she uses them at the right moments- for example when she worries or is disappointed knowing you can or could Do Better, especially for yourself🤷‍♀️

My granny also said in her own words that “The choice of wordings express her unconditional care and loyalty, and once you understand that, you have made a connection that no thing will break”🥹❤️

Regards her other powers and working with this soul, is good to know she is a very powerful, High Level Hell Hound, so she is Unlimited in abilities to help you for both Good or Bad purposes. She is extremely willing to assist us in rituals and goals of all kinds, wether for ourselves and others, and she wastes no opportunity to also teach meanwhile she’s at it- especially in times you cast with her. I have learned so much from her with each spell or ritual, and she was very much on point each time, as my granny said she would🙏🏻

If let’s say, you have missed a lesson meanwhile casting with her, say for lack of time or focus- she will always find other ways to drag you back to it- even through vivid visions, or dreams, as she often did with me. For example, there was a time I casted with her, but given I was extremely focused on what I was doing, I only heard her words faintly while she was also guiding and teaching me stuff, so I ignored that, done my ritual and went to rest😅

During the night, I was dreaming of her looking at me, and pointing her pow at me- and I was strongly feeling I have to touch her pow with my finger, which I did. I then started vibrating gently, then violently, and I watched the surroundings, nature plants animals and insects distorting their forms in so many ways- I’m not even sure I can explain. And the last thing I heard was : “Ask me”, before I woke up. I knew it was her, and I opened a communication session as soon as I could, to which she told me she wanted to show me what I can do, so I understand.

She said: “See, you, humans and every life form is Vibrating”. “ The day you stop vibrating effortlessly , you’re physically dead- and you have to train that again, though you can’t reach the same level of vibration, if you’re not physical in form and above all, doing it consciously”. “Most people don’t vibrate in their full strength, and they do it unconsciously- this is why they manifest by accident, and they can’t manifest at all times. But once you vibrate consciously- everything you say, everything you do, everything you wish will come to pass, life forms, situations, even your own body or mind will bend at your very Will”.

This needs no further explanation I believe, as her message is clear, and that is practicing Conscious actions and wordings can greatly help with Manifesting goals, so I’ll leave it at that and allow her to teach You instead🥹🙏🏻

But honestly, I had to write all of this immediately, or else I wouldn’t even be able to write all this here so I am very happy I did- because this isn’t only a lesson for me, but for everyone out there to be mindful of, and to make most of🥹🥰

This soul is simply incredible, and she is so very clear in her guidance, you won’t believe. She often said empowering her keeper and their own abilities is “her job” - and I am sure she will leave no leaf unturned when it comes to it, as my granny well said🥹😁

But know, she can well do everything on her own, so telling her directly what you need each time will suffice, as she can take it from there and cast for you by herself.

Again, as my granny emphasised- she can do both dark and light works (even if dark Magic is in her making- it isn’t in her nature or personality). Another thing that she benefits of as an Alpha- is that when you changed your mind, say about harming someone, she can undo her works really quickly and more importantly painlessly- unlike your regular Hell Hounds which go through tremendous pain if they try to go against their nature, and Magic they casted.

While this may not mean a lot now, it may mean a lot when you do come across this situation, like myself🥹

Also, in times where there’s great urgency, or she is needed to work on multiple tasks, know you’ll be equally well looked after and safe- for she won’t hesitate to raise Hell for you as my granny said, if need be. As previously mentioned, she has a pack of 10.000 more hounds in her command, and besides, as an Alpha Hound, she can summon any Hound, from any realm of Hell- according to your specific needs at the time🥹🙏🏻

Gammatrax’s unwavering devotion and powerful presence make her an irreplaceable ally if you ask me🩷 Regardless of the way she speaks at times, this special soul was very dear to my granny for so many reasons, just as she’s been to me🥹🙏🏻And I can really tell it is her wisdom, strength and loyalty which further cemented her role as an invaluable part of my granny’s journey, things that now as she’s ready to move on, she is willing to provide to her chosen keeper🙏🏻

Now moving on to her offerings and likes, my granny Irina said she loves resins such as myrrh and dragon blood. Bone artifacts or leftover bones will also do for food offerings- especially if they’re charged with lunar energies (rare or not)-which she may often draw your attention to. She may also take water, or infusions of peppermint or camphor every now and then when available, and if you like dark coffee, you’ll be her best friend, as she loves herself a cup, and the sweeter, the better from what I’ve noted❤️✨

For on the go, invited and not- know she may come along, with and without her vessel, for any amount of distance or time. And in times she is really busy working on things for you, you’ll never lack company either, as she will always ask her trusted pack members to come along and make sure you’re safe all your needs are fulfilled🥹🥰

As my granny and herself said- she will chose her next keeper, probably a witch like ourselves- whether beginner or experienced practitioner🥹🙏🏻  I have no doubt she will end up in a perfect home, now that she’s ready to move on🩷🙏🏻So if you feel a strong calling from this soul, most likely isn’t a coincidence, and she chose you!

If you feel a connection, she is for you! Don’t let her slip away🩷 If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me!

She will be safe and caring for everyone you care for, including pets, children and other spirits- so long as they’re invited by you consciously and they mean you and your loved ones no harm🙏🏻

She will speak with all divination tools, apps and telepathically or in visions.

*Her vessel is a rather large, collectible antique doll in pristine conditions considering its age. She was kept with much love and respect by me and my granny Irina.

*She will come safely wrapped and shipped with Express Courier service as with all my other spirits.


Orbs of dark grey, scarlet-purplish red, silver or white colours 

Her shadows will most likely show in the shape of a large dog as she mostly keeps her Hound form, but know they might appear in great dimensions, depending you the height of your ceiling, as in my home she appeared as large as the door, 2m ++

May follow you with her eyes while she is in her vessel or and she may also change her vessel’s facial expressions into a smile, upon seeing you around.

I noted different soft sounds with her around, such as gentle howling accompanied by high and low pitched sounds( as she communicates with other hounds), but also some grave/ aggressive “barking sounds” -often meaning she’s ready to take action for you, needing your command or Will. If you do hear such sounds, you may then open a communication session with her, especially if you don’t know what is about.

Her steps are usually gentle, and they may  be heard at times, both ways-on a count of 4 as she has 4 legs in her Hound form, and 2 as she has 2 legs in her human form.

As she rests by your side even when doing nothing at all, her presence will be felt stronger- as if someone living is sitting by you and no less. At the beginning, she may cause your hair to stand, cold spots or even accelerated breathing which may lead to a slight dizziness or discomfort. Please know this is completely normal and they’ll be gone in a couple more days spent with her around. It is not her doing it, but is the strength or heaviness of her energies, and she will adjust herself according to your very own frequencies🙏🏻

May affect electronics, especially when she’s at work on something for you

May appear in photos/videos with darker backgrounds

Flickers lights/candles- and can use those in communications

May drink/finish her drinks offerings

Telepathic communication- thoughts that aren’t yours, mainly for guidance or to answer you

Visions/Dream visits- usually she teaches you through these but may also warn or guide you - especially if you had missed her telepathic communication attempts

Strong sense of being utterly protected, secure and confident can be noted with her

Resilience to most traumatic events ( otherwise ) can also be noted with her at all times

Manifestation of all sorts of goals and intentions can be successfully noted with her

May show her appearance in her own time. In her Hound/ dog form she is 2m++ in height and her full body and fire is silver in colour, even slightly sparkly✨She has a mark that say 00719 on her right ear where she also is missing her fur and you can see just how sparkly her skin is, even more sparkly than her fur I’d say. Her eyes are of a purplish red scarlet if I can explain, and when she is actively working for you they turn to red, purple and blue neons- beaming at least 2 meters in front of her/you.

In her human form I only seen her 3-4 times, and she does not look older than 30. She is very skinny and tall, and she has absolutely no defect in her proportions whether body or face-wise. Her nose has the same mark of 00719 as a very small tattoo of sorts, and her eyes look the same in colour, scarlet when not actively working, and beaming when she is working on things for you. She does always appear fully naked in her human form, though she is covered in her very long silver-white hair, to the floor and more🥹 She is really beautiful, and I think she won’t easily be mistaken for other spirits🥰