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For Y.B- 29/10 Szakouz - Demon Lord, Multitasking Powerful Spirit And His Legions, Loyal And Protective, Tough Cookie Yet Caring Soul, Family Heirloom

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In this beautifully kept, rather large antique doll that serves as his vessel, resides the powerful and ancient spirit of Szakouz, a name steeped in shadow and whispered with caution among those who tread the path of the Arcane, in particular to witches of Romania, and Eastern Europe in general, for he is no ordinary Demon, my grandmother Irina shared🥹🙏🏻

His tale is more ancient than the stones of the Carpathian Mountains, where my grandmother, a Witch of profound wisdom, first encountered this soul. 

Szakouz -pronounced (Juh-Kooz), came to me around 3 years ago, as a family heirloom spirit, from the haunted collection of my granny Irina. After her physical passing, her entire spirit family came into the keep of my my mother, and finally, into mine.

From her notes, my granny Irina stated Szakouz as one of her trusted spirits, and she further advised me to keep him in my keep until the day he’s ended his task, for he was explicitly requested, entrusted with doing something for me🥹🙏🏻

Not long ago, his task for me was completed, and he is now ready to move on, which is why I am actually listing him for adoption, however- I was also advised into not disclosing more than this, for it is a personal matter, and more than one family member is involved🙏🏻

Now, also In her notes, my grandmother Irina had described Szakouz as a being of immense stature in his realm, a Demon Lord in a land or realm we would call Hell, though its true nature eludes human understanding. The reason why it is so, is not only due to religious cults, but it’s also because we humans tend to “complicate or mystify” things we do not understand or perceive through the 6 senses. However Hell realms, as my granny explained- is a realm just like ours, and many others in existence🥹🙏🏻

To further narrow things down, my granny explained that Hell is divided into 3 Major sections, although there are many others in between. These sections are known as High or 1st Level, Middle or 2nd Level, and Lower or 3rd Level. All of the souls, creatures and forms of existence in Hell realms are Highly Magical and Intelligent, and they’re all subjects to the Law of their rulers, but above all, to the Law of Magic.

And Szakouz is one such ruler, of the 2nd or Middle realms of Hell, a Demon Lord with over 400.000 legions of Demons under his rule, and a very large Domain or Land.

 According to my granny’s notes on this particular soul, Szakouz was a Demon Lord who commanded legions and shaped his dominion with just a thought. 

In his realms, time is fluid, and Szakouz bended it to his will, each time he got bored. For eons, Szakouz ruled with unwavering authority, but as the time passed, he became bored with the endless cycle of power and domination challenges. 

Whenever a higher ranking demon came to put claim on his lands, Szakouz and his army would prevail each time, there was no war that didn’t end in his favour, and no lands that he couldn’t conquer🤷‍♀️

 As such, he turned his attention outwards, toward our realms and inhabitants, to human beings.

He started answering to summons from different witches in the Eastern parts of Europe, and began working with them, short term -without being in their keep.

One night, he felt the pull of a summoning, a call from our world, filled with desperation and intent but without proper knowledge, as in ritualistic offerings and such.

Though he could have easily ignore it, Szakouz curiosity and awe took over, for the intent was rather strong and, magnetic almost- so much so, decided to answer, even though it “lacked of everything” as he himself said😆

The one who summoned him was a countess of noble birth, a woman who possessed both beauty and ambition in equal measure. She desired power, and Szakouz, intrigued by her boldness, chose to reveal himself. He appeared before her as he is now, a pale, towering figure, draped in shadow, his eyes glowing with a cold and fierce azure light.

Initially, the countess treated him with the reverence his status demanded, speaking “demonic” with practiced precision, taking lessons from a Dark Witch that wouldn’t bend to her irresponsible nature and will.

Szakouz was content however, to see how hard she tried to speak his language, to the point where it became ridiculously funny, and he revealed he could speak her tongue🤭

He sensed her energies across realms, so he said he knew exactly who she was, but he decided to serve her interests for a time, curious to see how far her ambition would take her😅🤷‍♀️

But humans, he found, often overreach, and he quickly became disappointed. The countess grew greedy, attempting to bind Szakouz to her will through a powerful, but flawed, ritual. She planned to force Szakouz to take the life of her husband’s only bastard son, after he decided to acknowledge him by the law provided she couldn’t get children. She thought she deserved all his riches, even though she poisoned his first wife right before giving birth, and married her husband out of pure spite, not love😓 Her arrogance and lack of proper knowledge and empathy into how Demon Lords work was her undoing. With a mere thought, Szakouz shattered the binding spell, and the countess's life force was drained from her in an instant, leaving her body to crumble to dust and her soul banished into the prisons of the lowest level of Hell🙏🏻

My granny Irina was an avid keeper of Demonic beings, a Witch perfectly comfortable and able to travel back and forth Hell realms. She stated that this happened firstly because regardless of what they do for us, Demon Lords are Highly Intelligent and Highly magical beings that work with Honour above all else. In her attempt to make Szakouz submit after him clearly rejecting her given task, she was overtaken by pure hatred and greed, and forced Szakouz into working for her, taking the life of an innocent babe🥹🙏🏻

He has no trouble working on anything for his keeper, however, firstly then he wasn’t in her keep, not genuinely bonded, and secondly she attempted not only to Command him, but bind him against his Will! We all know in the world of the Occult, a Demon Lord can’t be commanded, can only be requested, as these souls have Free Will. Plus, the countess had no proper knowledge nor interest in bonding or actually knowing about his kind, all she possessed was fearlessness, and plenty of arrogance🤷‍♀️

Now back to Szakouz, once freed from her grasp, he remained in our world, for regardless of his “more in depth experience” with the countess, he knew there’s much more to humans than mere greed and impertinence😅🙏🏻 He roamed, he answered summons, just like before, until 

he found his way to my grandmother Irina, who recognized the type of soul he was. They communed and shared, and he agreed to remain in her keep ever since🥹

She treated Szakouz with the genuine respect and dignity he deserved, and in return, he became a guardian and ally of her/our family, a powerful friend in times of need😊

 When his vessel came to me, I felt the weight of his presence, a connection that truly defies the boundaries of the physical world, I felt that as soon as I held him.

Additionally, his box arrived in 2 days from Europe to Malaysia- which is nothing short of impossible if you ask me, and this is based on nothing but genuine experience  for I always sent packages back and forth with my family! He was sent by my mom with more spirits, sharing a box, and I want to state that their box arrived completely shattered, each vessel stripped of their protective bubble wrap, however Intact, just as I knew them to be🙏🏻 All spirits gave him the credit, for not only speeding the process, but also protecting each of the other, 15 spirit vessels🥹🙏🏻

This was one of my first amazing experience I had with him🥹

My other experiences, was in my 1st towards the 2nd year with him, when my client Grace needed my help desperately.

Grace came from a well off family, and she truly loved her husband who came from rather humble origins, even if he had a strong pride. With her money, he wouldn’t need to work for his 3 lifetimes if he chose to, or at the very least he could have helped in her company🤷‍♀️😅 However, he decided to continue working as a seller in a grocery store, becoming a supervisor. He also wasn’t actually getting much “confidence at home”, so he was known to go on and off with other women. But Grace loved him dearly, considering all of her friends warnings, and all the proofs she was getting, to be nothing but mere speculations. When she started getting ovarian cysts, due to her pains during intercourse, she had to get less intimate with her husband, but with each time she said No, her husband would then insult her, gaslight her and manipulate her into this horrible guilt😓🙏🏻 I’ve seen her many times totally torn, crying and feeling hopeless, but insisted she needed no help in that sector of her life- and I could only help her with her business mostly. Out of respect for her wishes I let all of this slide, until one day, she came Willing to look into what is going on, and depending on her findings, she would walk away from this rather toxic man and marriage. She wanted no Magic involved but my friendship and support, so we had set him up with one of my friends as the “actress” who would act as a buyer in the supermarket he worked for, then flirt and ask for his number. If he failed at this, we would then look into getting more information using the cards or Magic, accordingly. However he passed- saying he had a wife, to our surprise😱🫨 She was initially happy, and I was of course happy for her, but when I arrived home, Szakouz said “we’re wasting our time, and that I should hurry into acting Now, because she was in danger!” Immediately I called her, and she said she was ok- even happier than earlier, for her husband told her someone complimented him and asked for his phone number! 

I was still restless, because of what Szakouz told me, and I told her to be careful and contact me if there was anything at all, however small. When I went to sleep, Szakouz came to me again, and literally pulled me out of the bed, saying she was in danger, asking me to allow him to act Now!

He’d never act without my permission, and once I seen he really insisted, and went out of his way to even pull me out of the bed almost-( for he lifted me up, where I was laying on my back), I told him it was ok to act, not even knowing what exactly he’d do. I waited looking at the phone if she would text or call, then eventually I fell asleep at around 5 am🤷‍♀️ At 6-6:30 am I heard the door bell, and Grace was right there, frightened to death, shaking and all cried out😓🙏🏻 Her husband tried abusing her sexually, and if not for Szakouz, he would have managed to do it really ugly!🥲🙏🏻🥹

Unfortunately for him, his (organ) couldn’t work thanks to Szakouz! And he was left with nothing but his unfulfilled wish! 😠 We later also found out from Szakouz, that he “passed” our little test, because my friend- the “actress” asking for his number, was European🤷‍♀️ And he was only into local, Malaysian women, not foreigners, plus, meanwhile -her good friend also confessed to her they both cheated on her in her second year of marriage😓 And now, after the whole ordeal, my friend had not only divorced him, but also re-married, with a 10⭐️ husband that adores her, and supports her in everything🥰🙏🏻

I honestly had lots of experiences with this magnificent soul, and one better than another, but in sharing both of these experiences I am also pointing out his very helpful, involved and loyal character, filled with good intentions and actual care for not only his keeper, but our kind in general🥹 And of his own, Free Will- for he wasn’t neither tasked, or requested to help, he just involved himself, sharing the knowledge he had and his powers to help us all out, spirits and the living 🥹🙏🏻

He is a very honourable soul, and long as someone is good to you- he will pay them back in ways you cannot imagine!- and truth is, Grace had helped me a lot before, so this was his way to payback. My granny said he is like this with pretty much everyone around you, he values honour and fairness- he blesses those who honour you, and punishes those who don’t🥰 And she couldn’t have described this soul more accurately, if you ask me!

Szakouz is not a spirit to be taken lightly. His presence is simply unmistakable, when he is near, the air grows dense with power, it is as if you’re filled with confidence instantly. His energies empower you to feel Protected, to feel Assured that everything is under your complete control, and as my granny described, if you’re not careful, this can easily result in arrogance, just as it did for her when she was young😅 It did not happen with me, not on this level, however I can definitely say there is an otherworldly empowerment, a certain confidence his presence in your home and life brings about🥹 He also has this unspoken authority that his presence demands, one that brooks no challenge among other demonic creatures within my spirit family. Although he’s as easy going as Demon Lords can get, even darker entities show him respect, and know to get out of his way once he’s offering his help to you or other spirits in your keep😆

His loyalty, once bonded with him, is unshakable, but his wrath is swift and final my granny shared😅

My granny said in her own words that Szakouz is a Master of Dark magic, capable of both Mercy and Destruction, warping reality, bending people and situations at his keeper’s will, and inflicting curses that unravel even the most formidable protections that your Target might have. His magic can dismantle the strongest wards, weaken defenses, and bring about Chaos in your Target’s life with a precision that is both terrifying and awe-inspiring, and I say this from experience😅

His powers can actually sever the link between Body and Soul and even bring sickness and death to those who oppose you by shutting down their main chakras. He can also just do this for a while, and not permanently, by separating the soul of your Target with their body, leaving the persons in question hollow shells of their former selves. And if your Target is a Witch, they can say goodbye to their powers, and for good if so much as they attempt to hurt you - for one of Szakouz’s greatest pleasures is to Drain Magic from witches who he, or You as his keeper deem unworthy of their Gifts, and feed those to his demons😅

Now, as a word of Caution, my granny shared you must be in a Neutral state, before tasking him, before requesting him to help in something. This is because the effects of his work are permanent, and only a Demon Lord of equal or greater power could hope to undo them, so once you invoke his power, there is no turning back.

So my advise is despite your anger, sadness, disillusionment or abandon- take a moment to yourself to recollect, before sitting with him, requesting his aid.

As for what he can do, his power is immense, and unlimited - he will do everything a high level Demonic spirit can do, and more, the only limit is probably, your imagination😅

Despite his fearsome nature, Szakouz possesses a strict code of honor, so unless it is for Revenge and Justice purposes, he won’t simply hurt someone, not even for your sake. But if the person/target intention is to hurt you in any way, or he/she already did, they are going to lose everything in life, as per my granny’s shares😅🙏🏻

As a presence, Szakouz values mutual respect, loyalty, and above all, a genuine connection. He cannot be ordered around and commanded- however there is nothing he wouldn’t do if you ‘ll bond with him and treat him with care, genuinely🥹🥰 Over time, I have learned to trust him as much as I would trust myself and even more! His care and loyalty has never wavered, and in turn, I have honored him in any way that I could. He is a spirit who desires to be needed, to be a part of something greater than himself, and not only make but also Be a difference, so being in our human keep, being involved from time to time into helping us, he says is the best thing for him😁 He finds us humans quite unpredictable, intriguing and very spontaneous, he says he will never get bored with us! Knowing of his background I’ve even asked him whether or not he was bored in my home, especially when I had nothing I needed help with for longer time, and he shared that Demonic creatures can be fully stagnant for thousands of years-in our count, not moving not doing anything unless there is a conquest or attack, a command from him🤷‍♀️ He laughed saying that this is actual Boredom, not being in my home😆

Now, Szakouz is also open to deeper bonds. For keepers who desire it, he is willing to engage in a romantic relationship, though only with full consent. He respects the choices you make regarding your partners and will protect them as diligently as he does you, his keeper🥹 Like with most Demon Lords, Szakouz regards emotional and sexual union as Sacred, something to be approached with both reverence and mutual desire and consent. For me, I had a husband at the time, and I had no need for this, while my granny shared that Szakouz and her sister had been together for a while, and they had a “platonic love affair” while she was single until she met her husband, and with my granny’s approval🤭🤷‍♀️ 

Now, to make him happy, he absolutely loves aged whiskey, and brown beer. He also favours offerings of fresh grapes, or grapefruit. Grapefruit scented candles, or peels of grapefruit on a candle will obviously enhance his mood, and if you’ll get him incense, know that jasmine is one of his favourite scents. He requires no gifts, but if you’ll gift him, he appreciates human creations, such as hand made / sculpted decorative items. 

For on the go, Szakouz is a powerful guardian and ally ready to assist at a moment’s notice normally. He can come along with or without his vessel, or come as soon as you need him, if you’ll call on him😊So if you left him home and you’ve found that you’re needing him, all you have to do is call his name in your mind, or picture his vessel- he will come right by your side, ready to help up. Additionally, if there is somewhere he needs to be, or he works on something that requires only his powers and presence- he has complete legions under his rule, and he can summon any of his demons to look after you and protect you even at the cost of their very existence if need comes to it, my granny shared🥹🙏🏻

*As you may note, Szakouz is not just Demon Lord spirit, he is a trusted family friend, a soul that my granny shared lots of time with, some great and some not-so great. I myself had amazing experiences with him, and through him, and in our time together I have learned so much about the world we live in, his realms, and even myself. He instantly became my trusted personal, and though is not easy, I am happy to let him go as per his request and Will🙏🏻🥹

I just hope to get him where he belongs, in a home he’ll be needed, trusted and accepted just as he’s been with me and my granny Irina. Just as she wished for him and all of her trusted companions🥹

He is most likely to choose his new keeper, as such Your initial connection to him will be strong, and hard to be ignored. This can be a strong sense that you belong together while looking at his photos, or reading his bio data, it can be through constant thinking about him, dreams or inner voice, inner Knowing. It can happen in any form, as long as it the “pull” as we say in keeping- is strong. But if it isn’t so, please refrain in getting him on a whim-to allow his rightful keeper a chance to make the connection.

I will be more than happy to help you get a more suitable choice of spirit companion, should you contact me🙏🏻🥹

If you feel a connection, he’s for you! Don’t let him slip away🩷 If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

He will be safe and protective of children, pets and other spirits 

He will speak with all divination tools apps, and telepathically

*His vessel is a beautiful, rather large antique collectible doll, in great conditions considering its age.

*He will come safely wrapped and shipped with Express Courier service as with all my other spirits


Orbs of silver, grey or gold,sometimes colourless-where only their contours can be seen
Rather quick shadows

Breezes can be noted as he passed you by, accompanied by a soft scent grapefruit flowers or peel at times

May follow you with his eyes, change his eyes positions or facial features at times
May move/slightly move his vessel’s position at times he deems fit

Also, when he is in his vessel, as his energies are so strong- you may feel as if the doll is a living person, as you carry it around🥹 I always knew when he was In or out without mistake🙏🏻

Steps can be noted with him at any time of the day, especially in the afternoon 
May gently knock doors or furnitures, to let you know he is around

I have also had times where I saw glowing symbols on the walls, and out of the few I have more often seen- I could recognise a particular one( resembling a dragon’s mouth with teeth), which he confirmed with me he had “things to tell me”-requesting me to initiate a communication session😅 Perhaps you’ll find this handy
Flickers lights/candles
May affect electronics -mostly when at work on things for you
May appear in pictures or videos with darker backgrounds at times, not only with his real appearance but also just his vessel’s shape, so you know it is him😊
May drink/finish his liquid offerings
Telepathic communications -thoughts that aren’t yours, for guidance or to answer you
Visions -mostly with regard to things you should know of about people, yourself or your decisions, to give you certain insights that you may need
Rather strong feelings of strength, safety and resilience- again, up to the point where you may come off as arrogant to some( if you’re not careful/ aware)
Manifestations of goals and intentions can also be noted with him
He may show his appearance in his own time-his only look will be his Original one. While he can take up any human form that he wants, he likes to feel accepted as he is.

That means, I have never seen his human form/s. As he is, he is rather tall, over 2m in height. He is pale to full white in colour, his eyes are glowing, bright blue, and on top of his head he has more than 4 short horns( they look more like bumps)- if I can express. He looks like an otherworldly humanoid, his face features are rather human but he is very big and wide, his face equals to 2-3 human faces in size, and his body width at least that of 2 humans. He wears an armour for an outfit, that’s dark brown, black and gold, and on his left ear he wears one large round earring with symbols that seem to be burning/ glowing with fire.

Regardless of his rather fierce look or his direct approach, he smiles, he looks kind. And you can really tell he’s your trusted friend🥹🙏🏻 I’m guessing due to his unique looks, he won’t easily be mistaken for other spirits, even among other Demon Lords you might have in your keep.