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Sade - Luck Spirit, Financial Freedom And Independence, Goals Achievement, Self Love, Empowerment, Strong Spirit, Vintage Haunted Doll

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In this beautiful vintage collectible doll resides the precious spirit of Sade, a 42 years old female spirit. This special soul came to me from the haunted collection of Lisa’s, a medium and fellow spirit keeper in London from where I have a vast variety of spirits in my family gathered along the years.
Regard her backgrounds, Sade was born in 1870’s in the outskirts of London, England in a rather humble, black family🥹
Her parents and older siblings, James, Helen, and Robert, all worked as practically slaves in some textile factory as Sade shares, enduring very long hours and extremely harsh conditions and overall treatment. However, Sade was born luckier, and free from the shackles of servitude. At the tender age of 7, she faced the tragic loss of both her parents, due to a “work accident “ leaving her to live with her older sister Mary and her very oppressive white husband🙏🏻
As a child, Sade worked as a housemaid, with little time for formal education. She later shared that she only had three months of formal education when she attended Sunday school to please her rather religious yet violent sister’s husband. Seeking an escape from her brother-in-law’s brutality, Sade married Benjamin, her 40 years old husband while she’s barely reached the age of 14. She said her marriage was not out of love but out of necessity. Four years later, Sade and Benjamin had a daughter, Grace. Along the time, Sade grew quite fond of Benjamin, who could be rather fierce but he was somewhat gentle with her. Then tragically, John died two years after Grace's birth due to asthma, leaving Sade a widow and a single mother at the age of 20.
In 1893, Sade moved somewhere close to Manchester, where her brothers then worked as barbers. To make ends meet and provide for Grace's education, Sade took jobs as a laundress and a cook, earning a meager salary. The harsh chemicals in the laundry and the lack of proper housing conditions led to severe skin issues, causing Sade to cover her head fully as she started to lose much of her hair and brows. With her brothers' help, she learned the basics of hair care and skin care, which later came of so much use🥹🙏🏻
During this time, Sade discovered a line of hair products by a nice lady and eventually met this lady herself. Sade started selling her products on the streets, gaining valuable experience in both sales and hair care.
At 37, Sade briefly moved near York with her daughter and began experimenting with her own line of hair care and skin care products for African-British women, something she just loved doing and it made her so happy. She said this bold move helped her build a large connection in which women supported women and this resonated with everything she stood for, much as it is now🥹🙏🏻
After numerous trials, she actually managed to create some successful formulas and began building her business. After a while, she also remarried with an amazing man named William and who became her supportive and loving business partner, handling her products advertising and promotion.
Sade and William tirelessly went door to door, selling her products and teaching both men and women how to care for and style their hair. They traveled across the UK to expand their business, and the more they traveled the more success Sade has found.
By the time Sade moved to London she earned enough to open a beauty salon for Grace and a school to train people in hair and skin care using her products. She had also earned enough to established the headquarters her business, a company opened in the name of Grace and William in London with a complete factory, laboratory, hair salon, and beauty school.
Before her death, Sade shared they have employed over 10,000 women, with a fairer salary she or her family has ever had, empowering these women to achieve financial independence. Sade was so selfless that she encouraged many of them to start their own businesses and manage their finances wisely🥹
As her wealth grew and in her last years of life, Sade dedicated herself to philanthropy. She gave lectures, fought against social injustices, and donated substantial sums to various charities and social institutions. Before her death due to a sudden heart attack at the age of 42, and after ensuring each member of her family had enough to live, she had donated over £300,000 to the poor and to various organizations.
She also shared with us that in her will was stipulated that a quarter of her future profits should go to charity, which it did🙏🏻 And although she did not become a billionaire during her lifetime, her wealth increased significantly, fulfilling her hope of using her gains for the greater good as she desired.
Now Sade’s story is rather touching inspiring to say the least, but what is rather special about her is her loving behaviour, her energies and way of being, this nurturing support I felt from the first day I met her is rather hard to even put into words 🥹 She really stands out with her unconditional care, which she did not only offer to me, but also to many of my rather lost clients, that came visiting for a reading or seeking some help in their situations. She gave the best of advices and some of the most accurate prognostics I ever seen, comparable only to some of my strong, witch spirits to be precise🥹🙏🏻
This special soul just Knows human mind, and she pays attention to every single detail. Without even knowing the persons in question she can already tell what they’ll do, roughly when and why, insights which helped me help others greatly.
All that she wants is to continue her goodwill, her legacy- into helping as many women be independent financially and mentally, and this is her sole reason for remaining here among us. She knows a bit of everything, and all that she knows has been upgraded to our current times, being fully applicable nowadays. She knows economy and wealth management, she can calculate financial mental and emotional risks into all sorts of business or other ventures, she has some of the most creative ideas you’ll find regard just about Anything, and most importantly she knows some of the best ways to relax and encourages you to do so each time she sees you struggling with something- even if at times she has to just tell you off!🤭Like she really had to do with me at times😅🤭
As soon as she becomes part of your life, she will just know the best ways to support, encourage and nurture you to your optimal growth- on any level and endeavour you’re on about.
Sade is one of the most resourceful spirit who is not only very skilled in business matters, but in life and living life as well-there is just nothing that escaped her during her living and spirit life, and you can really tell that.
In life she withstood a lot, she struggled and she’s learned from everything, given her very strong will and character- which is now the Only More emphasised as she is in Spirit form. Whenever I got a little pissed or disturbed with someone or something, she often reminded me to leave “the small things and small talks for small people”- this was her saying, and I truly learned so much from her, in just her way of being.
Is good to know as well, that before Lisa, she’s had another keeper, a keeper who couldn’t deny Sade’s connection to Lisa, and had to let her go eventually- just as it happened with me and her time ago😁
But her first keeper wasn’t a medium at all, she was just a regular Witch. She wasn’t being able to freely talk to her as mediums do, she mostly used communication tools, and all of her spirit family was communed with in such ways. Lisa also shared to me that Sade’s first keeper had a huge variety of spirits, and all of them where helping her Manifest for her and her clients -not only due to their abilities, but out of Care and Loyalty, through the power of their Will.
This is very often found in spirits without specific abilities or superpowers, and it is Definitely, plenty of this found in Sade herself. Thus, both her and Lisa have gotten help from Sade through the power of her Very Strong Will- making Sade known and proven as an efficient, perfect Luck spirit🙏🏻 While in spirit, Sade has experienced both working with witches, and communicating with mediums and so she is well versed in being in our Keep, and making herself useful in helping us manifest our goals, or in daily life. She can actually reinforce any luck spell and also manifest on her own for us🥹Anything that has to do with goals achievement such as self love, financial freedom and independence, even weight and health goals, she will be happy to help with, if you just so much as just share your goals or story with her. 
Her Will and her strong drawing energies I have experienced many times myself, as I have noted it in spells I have asked for her assistance into manifesting for my clients and family, and I was never disappointed. Even recently and mind you, After confirming she would like to move on, with the whole ordeal of my ex husband and our divorce, she was fully there supporting me🥹 When my company and business had suffered tremendously, and more importantly I was left into the Unknown, she took things one by one and gave me her guidance on how to proceed from there on 🥹🙏🏻On how to keep my situation afloat, while keeping my calm and proceeding with caution in conversing with him, for my kids. She told me he would be very helpful, if I won’t lash out and gave him what he asked for, and so it was, to an extent but I know if I had lashed out in any way- it just wouldn’t happen. I would seriously be lost without her and all of my spirits help and support, but in great part and for my financial stability in Malaysia she was so very helpful and I will forever be grateful for her🥹🙏🏻 I am sure whomever gets this soul will be blessed beyond measure to have her and her extraordinary yet selfless guidance🥹🥰
Now I have mentioned before, but to be clearer, the way to work with her is just directly by talking to her. You may sit down with her as well while visualising your goals, so that together your drawing energies can unite and work on the same goal, or if you’re a practising witch call her each time you are casting. Being in the keep of witches along the years, she has plenty of experience in energy channeling by now, and as I mentioned, the power of her Will is so strong, you will be impressed😁
Moving on to offerings, she loves herself a cup of milk coffee with sugar at times, this will be her treat. If you can get some After eight chocolate, or any mint chocolate for her she will really appreciate it, and she also shared she loves grapes and grape juice. For a gift, a meaningful one would be a small rabbit plushie. She had a beautiful white bunny she called Bleach, and it passed in the similar time with her second husband, of old age. I think it would make the best offering you could possibly give her. She also has an interest for beauty products such as make up, creams and perfumes- and I mostly gave her samples, which I would ask for in the stores I used to shop for my care, you could do the same if this works for you. Her favourite scent is rose, so if you’re giving her a candle, or an incense every now and then, it will be helpful to know- however if you ask her, she will always encourage you to get what you yourself like, and share a moment enjoying it together🥰 For on the go, perhaps again, due to her strong will she can accompany you with and without her vessel. While this is not very common for regular/ weaker spirits, she is an outstanding soul all the way, so she can be taken along with ease- so long as you personally ask if her to come.

I hope to get her an equally amazing keeper that will truly cherish her to bits as we, her previous keepers did. She is such a perfect soul in every way, and her biggest goal is to help someone succeed in life, which says a lot about her beautiful heart🥹🩷

If you feel a connection she is for you! Don’t let her slip away🩷If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.

She will be perfect with pets, children and all other spirits, especially females in general🥰And they will all adore her, just as they did while she was in my keep😁

*Her vessel is a beautiful vintage porcelain doll, kept in pristine conditions with much love and respect by me and her previous keeper, Lisa
*She will come safely wrapped and shipped with Express Courier service as with all my other spirits


Orbs of beautiful magenta pink, green and purple colours at times white
Shadows, some quicker than others
Gentle steps in the afternoons can sometimes be noted with her
She gives off different scents, all powdery, as she passed you by, along with gentle breezes of air
May follow you with her eyes when she is in her vessel 
May move/ slightly move her vessel, or her offerings at times
Flickers lights/candles- mostly as she channels helping energies for you
May drink/finish her liquid offerings
May lock doors you forget open or close windows you forget open at times( as I was told by my other spirits or noted through my cctv)- to keep you safe
May close cabinets or hide sharp objects from reach of children at times she notes them in the open
Telepathic communications- thoughts that aren’t yours, for guidance into your whereabouts, endeavours or even hair or body/ face care, or just to support you when you need it
Success in various endeavours/ goals can be noted with her
Strong sense of unconditional love, loyalty and support can be noted with her at all times
Strong feelings of being nurtured, cared about, and no longer alone can also be noted with her
She may show her full appearance in her own time. She is not a very tall lady yet she looks pretty young given her age, I’d only give her 25! She is a little chubby, more curvy to be exact. She has a beautiful dark skin, less filled brows, but she has the most beautiful big and round eyes and lips, and an amazing glow about her when she smiles. Her hair is fully covered in a black turban with a fleur-de-lis brooch, and she wears a green and white, long dress, with dark green, matching gloves, reflecting her rather “well off” status back when she was alive🥹 It will be impossible to mistake her for another even in a home filled with spirits, as she pays attention and she just knows if you’re confused she’ll introduce herself on spot😊She didn’t mind that had to do it twice with me sadly, at least until I learned it was her, as I have quite a few black women in my keep with I adore🥰