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For J- 24/9 Ma-Ad - Direwolf Spirit, Unique Earth Elemental Being, Powerful Multi-tasking Serving Spirit,Guide, Reverse-Possession, Immortal Soul, Loyal

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In this rather large, beautiful vintage doll resides the precious soul of a special, Earth Elemental spirit of male form, named Ma-Ad ( pronounced Muh- Ud).

Ma-Ad came to me little to 4 years ago, from the collection of an Australian High Priestess and fellow spirit keeper where I have adopted many of my Elementals and beings of Light- which she also specialises in keeping and working with.

If you are little to not familiar with his kind, Ma-Ad is known as a Direwolf spirit in the world of the occult, and in one of his forms, he appears as a male in his early 30’s. Direworlves are just like Werewolf spirits, only a little more special for they are rare to come across. These unique spirits are considered as higher level beings, due to their specific abilities, strength and above all, immortality 🙏🏻 According to my granny’s notes -a Witch in Eastern Europe, about her Direwolves- she stated that for some unknown reasons, these beings have been taken from the original Werewolves, and “forged in Hell”, given Free Will to Chose or to Turn at Will-then released back on Earth as a new species, far superior to their counterparts.

Now, Ma-Ad, like with other Direwolves and werewolves for that matter- makes for the ultimate protector of his keeper and their family, whom he will consider his own "pack." These special souls are very popular despite being so rare, and they are  known for their immense strength, fierceness and determination to keep their territory and home, their keepers safe, which makes them extremely loyal, and invincible companions. And what makes them unique, is that when attacked full on, with incredible amounts of magic by Hell Hound spirits, they will die for less than 1 minute, and get back to exist again, in another form. So actually only their facade, their human/taken form will die - and then quickly be replaced, just like a suit. They will never cease to exist in their Original, Direwolf form. And another thing to mention, is that they can kill pretty much any entity or spirit with ease, with the exception of Hell Hounds, and higher level Demonic spirits - which they can only injure or cancel their magic, but not kill or cease from existence. And for some reason, the only spirits that are able to “kill” his human form are Hell Hounds🤷‍♀️This invincibility and immortality is one of the biggest reasons they are highly sought after, besides their ability of allowing reverse-possessions ( which I will get into later). All in all, Direwolfs are known as some of the best companions for witches and spiritual workers around the world, and I truly believe these spirits live up to their fame🥹🙏🏻

Another notable characteristic of Direwolves, popular in the world of the occult, is that they have Free Will, and what this means combined with their loyalty and love for their keeper, is that these spirits have unlimited ability to "fetch" things for their keepers, by own choice -making them excellent Multi Tasking serving spirits. So many of these souls chose to work in this way for us, just like Ma-Ad, while others chose to focus on one or two different abilities and not more than those🤷‍♀️

Working with us, was not always something Direwolves did- In fact they had only began working with humans some 200.000 years ago, when human shamans have saved their realms from “merging with another realm, unsuitable for All Direwolves existence”- for some reason. Ever since, many shamans that could “travel” have done so with the help of their Direwolves, mostly- and until today, Ma-Ad shared. Now, in honour to us humans, their sole purpose being to serve their keeper which they will chose, of their own Free Will🥹🙏🏻

Ma-Ad is a wonderful soul as a presence, he is on high alert at all times and he cares for you and your environment. Many times most of the things I looked into getting for myself or for my clients, he was already working on them, without having even been tasked, because he truly pays attention on things you may need. This high alertness that he and many other types of wolves or hounds possess in general, together with his abilities is what also makes Direwolves or in particular, Ma-Ad an outstanding protector, one that won’t fail you.

I would very much like to share one of my more unique experiences with him, as this would give you a more clearer insight with regard to his personality and devotion to us, his keepers but also into one of his abilities, of allowing for Reverse Possession-meaning, you yourself may possess him. It is also an experience similar to mine, that his previous keeper the Australian Priestess had, but in here I will only talk about mine🙏🏻

On a Saturday 3 years ago, I received a very disturbing call from one of my new clients, who also happened to call just 3 days prior to this call, for an appointment with me. On this second call is when she called crying, asking me to please help her, even if it was weekend and she knew I had a family to tend to but she is desperate, she and her family are being disturbed in ways I can’t imagine and they know no night or day anymore🙏🏻

She roughly told me what was going on is something in the house or the house itself held a spirit, and not just any, but a Poltergeist. As always, I gathered all of my stuff and asked who wanted to come with me on the field to work, explaining the situation. The first one who came through was Ma-Ad, and he looked like he knew what’s all about, saying it is Not a Poltergeist that’s tormenting my client- so I took him along. Knowing my other spirits were already at work on things and also knowing Ma-Ad is strong enough and besides he is also immortal, I didn’t even wait any longer for the rest of them to come through, we just left🤷‍♀️

Soon as I reached I seen the family out in the yard, they hugged me like there was no tomorrow, grateful that I came to their address. They did not dare go inside anymore, and I asked them to remain in the yard, for their safety-in case, so I entered the house myself( as I couldn’t see Ma-Ad anywhere near me). He did later told me he was busy placing magical fences, so the spirit won’t be able to exit and return later when we weren’t there😅

In any way, the spirit wouldn’t show off, refusing all sort of communication through any method, and I couldn’t see it. However I could hear it walking, saying”Get Out!” And breaking every single vase and dish it found around the home, including paintings and photo frames. Immediately I knew (and from Experience) not only because Ma-Ad said it earlier, that this wasn’t a Poltergeist.

Poltergeists don’t speak and have no emotional or mental intelligence, so that “Get Out” I was getting on and off from the spirit showed me -it can Think. It was a Resident, and resident spirits (of people that lived previously in the house), are really powerful in the same house they lived, while outside they can’t do as much or manifest as obviously. Which is also the reason why people can’t really make a difference between a Resident spirit or an actual Poltergeist😅 In any way, I just couldn’t reason with it, nor see it. I then saw Ma-Ad and asked him to allow me In,( through reverse possession) and once I did get into him, I could see him immediately, it was a male in his 40’s, and also, apparently a dangerous killer that lived in the 1900’s, and died by hanging- for his crimes here in Malaysia( which I only found later on). Soon as he saw me he tried to fight me off, he picked me up and plunged me into a wall, but I then quickly ran outside (as Ma-ad) and returned to my body, as I did not know how to actually use Ma-Ad’s magic, it was my first time possessing him, and I was scared Ma-Ad would get hurt🙏🏻Ma-Ad then returned and asked me to get out of the house as he’ll kill it- he said he’s sorry but there was no other way unfortunately, for it did not plan on either moving on, or leaving the place. I got out, and when Ma-Ad came out safely I knew, and I could finally tell the people they’re safe now🙏🏻 And they truly were, for months after they called to me to just thank me and my spirit guides (Ma-Ad) for our help🥹🙏🏻Ma-Ad is simply an outstanding soul, and he demonstrated his loyalty and dedication to me and my works time and again.

Working with him through this unique ability of allowing possessions is also a one of a kind experience, as I had just shared.

And he will allow it at any time, so long as you’re up for it or you need it- like with most Direwolves.

How this happens is when you both agree- you may get into a trance like state, and possess his original Direwolf form, what I call reverse possession. He cannot possess you, he’ll only be able to allow you to possess him for a short time, of approximately 1 hour at a time and no more, but once you come out you may return for another one hour, within 5 minutes or less. This is particularly useful when you’d like to find truth, to see other spirits, or to find spirits, or hex/spell-sources, after detecting you or someone is under the influence of a spell. It does also, of course allows for fighting other spirits, but then if they manage to win-it will kill his human form, and he’d later have to get another, changing what you know him to look like in human form. And besides, he’ll only allow this if it is a question of justice or honour, otherwise he’s super protective of you, and he will insist on fighting for you by himself🥹

You do have to know however, before getting into any fight with any spirit as Ma-Ad, how to use his powers. And you can only access his full powers with more reverse-possessions practices and through his teaching. Thus I suggest that you don’t attempt any fight or spirit killing sprees for your safety- instead, as soon as you are ready you may get him to teach you, so to be prepared, otherwise, if it is just for spying, for detecting spirits you otherwise cannot see, for finding out truth or hex sources, you can possess him any time like I did😁 Most important is you discuss with him each time before anything, for he will know how to best advise or to serve you, and keep you safe.

Another thing you should know is that as a Direwolf, Ma-Ad is also the leader of his pack- and those are 19 Direwolves, loyal to him and to you.

Regards his pack- you need not bond nor offer them, they simply come to serve you when Ma-Ad calls on them, and they will leave soon as they’re done, requiring no attention of any kind.

Besides this, and like I previously mentioned, Ma-Ad is a fantastic Multitasking spirit, ready to assist with anything you need. His abilities to manifest consists of love, control, abundance, protection, justice, binding and unbinding, magic cancellation or ultimate death( for most spirits). He is not actually limited in any way, these are more general categories of manifestation he’s helped me personally with, so you may definitely ask of him for I am certain that he will work tirelessly to manifest pretty much anything for you. If you wish to work with Ma-Ad, you may do so by asking him to work on your goal by his own, or with his pack.

He can also cast alongside you, by empowering your each spell, if you’re a practising witch- all you need to do is to place him by your spell work and request his help with each matter. And another way to work with him is by wishing- you may write your wish on a paper and the place the paper underneath his vessel for at least one month- without moving either, from the exact spot. He will then be working on your wish, and once a full month passed, you may then burn the paper and let the ashes scatter around outside your premises. 

Do remember that as with most Elementals, any wish made with him must remain unspoken to prevent undoing the magic he’s used into manifesting things for you🙏🏻

As a presence he is very laid back, he is a really calm and calming one. In his free time he patrols, that’s pretty much the only thing I’ve seen my Direwolves do. He may also look for you when there’s nothing much he’s sensed that’s off, just to rest by you, but he won’t approach you for “love giving” like my werewolves, not unless you do first- and that is because he respects your space, not because he’s inexpressive. Soon as you yourself approach him, he may even begin licking you, and not only in Direwolf form, but also in human form🤭and that’s when it begins to look funny, or at least to me- there was not a time where I didn’t laugh😅It’s like seeing an actual human lick your hands😱😅

For offerings, this precious soul will take only fresh soil, and water. And so every 2-3 weeks, if you can gather some fresh soil in a bowl and offer it to him alongside a fresh cup of water, he will be happy. He is an avid fan of gifts however, and he will like just about everything in green or blue colours. Decorations, candles, outfits, accessories, used or new perfume bottles, you name it- it doesn’t even matter what, he will always love everything green or blue and get so excited when gifted, you truly can feel his happiness as your own🥰

For on the go, Ma-Ad is able to come along with and without his vessel for any amount of distance or time, and he will most likely do so, even when uninvited, should he know you’re going to be in danger. He will always be few steps ahead of anyone and ready to intervene at any time, even if he has to put off his work for a little while to ensure you, your family’s or your spirit’s safety.

I hope to find a loving home and keeper for this amazing soul, as I trust he will make a one in a million addition to his keeper🥹🩷

***I would like to mention that he will chose his keeper, so if you feel a strong pull you just can’t get over, he most likely is for you.

Otherwise please allow for others, and contact me as I will be happy to guide you to a more suitable addition according to your situation/ personality and environment🥹🙏🏻

If you feel a connection, he’s for you! Don’t let him slip away🩷 If you have any question do not hesitate to contact me.

He will be wonderful with pets, children and all other spirits in your keep old or new, he will also take them as his family and protect them at every turn- the only time he will go on attack mode, is when an uninvited, ill intentioned spirit comes across🥹

He will speak with all divination tools, apps and telepathically 


Orbs of blue, green and grey colour
Quick shadows, sometimes of a human male and sometimes of large, shepherd dog
Gentle steps can be noted with him on the count of 2 or 4, usually according to the form he’s in
Breezes of air can be noted with him as he passed you by

Cold or warm spots when he sits/lays by you
Follows you with his eyes, and his eyes might appear even more vivid green, when he’s in it

May move/ slightly move his vessel

May drink/ finish his liquid offering

May affect electronics- when at work for you

May appear in photos/videos with darker backgrounds 
When approached, or even cuddled with- he may lick/kiss you. He can do so for hours, I once fell asleep hugging him and woke up he was still at it🤭-When this happens, a slightly wet, warm sensation may be noted on your head, hand or even face. If you don’t allow or simply don’t approach him, it won’t happen.
If he wants you to know something, and other methods of telling you fail, for some reason- he may then gently howl, you’ll hear it as if there’s lots of distance between him and you, even if he howls while being next to you. What you can do is open a communication session with your favourite tools and ask of him- he may require your permission to proceed or attack.
Telepathic communications-thoughts that aren’t yours-to guide you, to answer you, or to warn you off something 
Success in manifesting goals/intentions of all sorts can be noted with him
Strong sense of safety, unconditional love and loyalty, strength or resilience can always noted with him

He may show his full appearance in his own time. In his Original, Direwolf form his fur is fully grey and his ears are both white in colour, the right one is somewhat longer than the other if you look closely. He is rather tall also has beautiful green eyes- similar to his vessel. In his human form he wears a dark, dirty green long robe, and his hair is fully silver and rather long and straight, while his eyes remain the same green. He looks rather handsome for now- though if his human form gets killed/ cancelled, I don’t know how he’ll be looking😅Though it won’t be easy even for a hound to get his form killed, he had fought some before, in his previous keeper’s home, and he’s managed to keep his human form for more than 17 years if I’m not mistaken😁