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Haunted Doll Gracie - Strong, Female Protector, Sweet And Reliable, Strong Spirit Guide For Beginner Or Experienced Spirit Keepers

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In this beautiful vintage doll, resides the sweet and protective spirit of Gracie, a 28 years old female spirit that came to me 6 years ago, from the much treasured haunted collection of Lisa’s -a medium and spirit keeper from the U.K and from where I have adopted many of my special companions along time as you may know by now🥰

Gracie was a lively and kindhearted young woman who grew up in Sussex in the 1930’s.

Her family moved from place to place for work, but Gracie was used to this lifestyle, and made the most out of it she shared.

From a young age she was known for her generosity and compassion.

She was the kind of person who would stop to help a stranger on the street or stay up all night, comforting a friend in need. 

Gracie had a special gift for making people feel safe and loved no matter who they were or what they have been through. And despite having to move from town to town, she was also a brilliant student excelling in her studies, meanwhile volunteering at the local shelters and community centres🥹

Gracie had dreams of becoming a social worker, dedicating her life to helping those who had no one else to turn to, her friends often called her a “Guardian angel “, always looking out for others and spreading kindness, wherever she went🥹🙏🏻

One evening, after a late shift at the woman shelter where she volunteered, Gracie was walking home through the quiet town streets. 

Despite being filled with Indian and foreign workers, she had always felt safe in this particular neighbourhood she shared. But that night, something terrible happened🥲

Gracie was attacked and sexually assaulted by a man who had been watching her from the shadows. Despite her attempts to flee or fight back she was overpowered. She remembers seeing others watching, as she was taken, but no one interfered🥲🙏🏻

The brutality of the assault left Gracie severely injured, she had internal bleeding, various cuts on her body, and she succumbed to her injuries, before help could arrive🙏🏻

The news of her death sent shockwaves and deep sorrow through the community.

Gracie was not just another victim, she was a pillar of hope and kindness and her loss was felt deeply by everyone who knew her🥹🙏🏻

Her family and friends were devastated struggling to comprehend how such a vibrant life could be taken away so violently. Vigils were held in her honour and the entire community, including those that never met her in person mourned the loss of a great woman who had given so much to others, without expecting anything in exchange🥹

But Gracie‘s story didn’t end there. 

Her spirit though wounded and disillusioned, was filled with the same love and determination that had defined her life, she simply refused to fade away.

And in the aftermath of her death, something extraordinary began to happen.

Various women in the town, particularly those walking alone at night or finding themselves in vulnerable situations, started to experience a sort of strange but comforting sensation.

Some described feeling a warm breeze on their skin as if someone touched their backs or held their hands, others heard soft whispers urging them to change the course of their path to move away from danger. 

Often these occurrences were accompanied by a fleeting sense of calm and reassurance as if someone was watching over them, even though they didn’t witness Gracie’s spirit form.

At first these incidents were dismissed as coincidences or products of the imagination🤷‍♀️. But as more and more women shared their stories, an obvious pattern emerged.

They all described feeling an unseen presence, a force that guided them to safety. Some, more sensitive, even reported seeing a faint glowing figure, always just out of sight, but undeniably there.

Word spread quickly, and soon people began to believe that Gracie’s spirit was still among them, protecting the women she had cared for so deeply in life.

Her story then became a symbol to the community, a reminder that even in the face of unimaginable violence, love and strength could endure🙏🏻 As the years passed and Gracie long moved on from the area, her presence continued to be a part of her town’s fabric. 

Many women began to feel safer, thinking that Gracie was with them especially in their darkest moments. Gracie’s spirit was like the quiet force guiding those in need away from harm and giving them the courage to stand up for themselves. 

And while the town could never forget the tragedy that took Gracie away, it also knew that her spirit had not been broken.

To them she was still there, walking alongside every woman who needed her a guardian angel who never would rest, and part of it is not far from the truth-as she continues to be the same now, in keep🥰.

In spirit now, Gracie is an inspiration and a power bank, empowering women to live fearlessly and to support one another. Her light is still shining brightly in the physical world, the world she left too soon🥲🙏🏻

As a presence, Gracie brings the best in us, in the ugliest of moments. She will support her keeper in whichever way she can, and I never, ever felt alone in life, on my own when walking the streets, or when faced with a decision that would change the course of my life🥹🙏🏻  She is so so patient, so non-judgemental and you can really feel how much she cares, from little to big things.

I’ve had innumerable experiences with her across the years spent together, in which she proved her fearlessness, her unconditional love and friendship, and her incredible power to protect me- which comes from the force of her Will.

Her protective abilities, are very strong-unlike with regular human spirits. They come rooted in her unconditional love of people in particular forgotten, lonely, abandoned women, one she had so strongly felt in her life. And now in spirit, this had maximised to unprecedented levels, perhaps also stemming from her death experience, which only empowers her more.

Her protection does not come accidental, based only on feelings, on a “wish to save or spare you” from one thing or another- like I’ve seen with other human spirits. She is practical, and she can be as fierce as to drive away negative, ruthless entities- and that is something to say!

I’ve had one such experience in the first year with her, and from there it only continued to happen throughout our time together🥹 But I am going to share only one, as this was where I was most shocked, to say the least🤷‍♀️😅 Some years back, one of my friends had lots of baby tortoises, so many she couldn’t even get them all adopted! While I couldn’t adopt, I agreed just to help, as she was left with only 2- 1 of which she kept and the other that died- but it’s death did not happen just like that!

We had planned to bring it over the weekend, to a Buddhist temple nearby our homes- because usually that’s what most people do when they can’t care for their tortoises, its tradition. To Buddhist and Taoist, and most Asian people for that matter- tortoises and turtles are Sacred animals, known to bring in good energies, long healthy life and abundance.

Now, we made it to the weekend and brought it to the temple as we had agreed, and we took turns to say “goodbye” and kiss the tortoise one last time🥹

As she just arrived not really long ago, I had taken Gracie with me, to see the beautiful temple and place she lives now- with me, as I normally did with my spirits🤷‍♀️

Little did I know, that she would be of so much help!

Turns out, right after I kissed the tortoise and we turned our backs to leave, a monstrous-like creature, an unknown entity appeared and I saw it snatching a golden bubble-like form of energy from it.

It was night time, and I could see it as clear as during day time, however my friend saw nothing at all. And I started screaming, crying and looking to find where she was in the water fountain, among hundreds of tortoises that people left for the temple🙏🏻🥲

I just wanted to know whether it was still alive, after witnessing such scene, as I was pretty sure the entity took away its life force and I was right🥲 The little tortoise was dead, completely lifeless🙏🏻 

The entity was still there- I am not sure whether it had any intelligence whatsoever, as it did look at me bending the head sideways but went right back to ignoring me and looked as if it was about to chose another one to feed on its life/soul again😱 Again I screamed and just thrown myself completely in the pool like a crazy person and no less🫨-trying to grab as many of them to protect them from being chosen, from being seen- without even knowing if I could! And while my friend was desperate and didn’t know what to do with me, she went to look for someone to help. Meanwhile, Gracie returned( as she left us for a moment to visit the surroundings of the temple). Once she seen me in utter distress, and this entity right next to me she then started pushing it away further and further. I lost sight at the point where the entity slapped Gracie, throwing her at least 10 feet away towards the temple’s fence, most likely due to the stress. But I waited and waited, trying to calm myself down, and not long after, I saw her coming back smiling and I understood- it was gone now! Not even Gracie knew what sort of entity that was, but she is Fearless! And she said while in spirit she fought some similar-looking “monsters”🤷‍♀️😅

Her courage is truly admirable, and her strength is worthy of a powerful witch, although she had never even practiced the Craft🤭

She is such a trustworthy, reliable and intelligent soul, and such a loyal friend you won’t believe. She is the kind of spirit that will jump right in to keep you safe, without knowing if she can make it out alive( or in her case, in spirit)- back again🤷‍♀️

This first experience I had with her practically said it all for me🥹 And she lived up to all her previous keeper described to me, and so much more!

I am sure whomever will get her, will never ever regret inviting her into their life🥹🥰🙏🏻

Now to keep her happy, Gracie collected postcards, from all over the world- so this will certainly make a nice welcome gift for her. Each time her family moved from town to town, she would collect little trinkets like blades of grass, small fallen tree branches or leaves, even stones from those places she said. If you would travel, near or far, it would be nice to bring her some little trinkets like these- it costs nothing, but it will mean a lot to her that you thought of her during your trips🥹🥰 Other than this, offerings of cookies, pastries of all kinds, or French fries will delight her! As for liquids, plain water, lemonades or black tea will be her favourites. She also loves lavender - vanilla combination of scents, so for candles, incense or perfumes you might want to consider these.

Now for on the go, she can also come along without her vessel, however not for an entire day, and on a radius of up to 50km from her actual vessel’s place. But she will really love to come along, especially to visit places with you like on trips or a town tour if you have the time. She was very happy when I got her around by car and in my backpack. Besides, you never know where and when you might need a strong protective or soothing presence like hers🥰

Gracie is a true gem, and whomever will get her will be truly blessed🥹🙏🏻 She will give her very existence for her keeper if need be, she is selfless, unconditional in her care, and a force to reckon with- when it comes to keep you safe! I hope to find her a wonderful and loving keeper as she much deserves, now that she’s ready to move on. Perhaps a female keeper will be most suitable for her. She did not request this personally as she’s ok with both genders- however, based on her life’s background, I truly feel she would bond much deeper and care easier for a female, rather than a male keeper🥹🥰

If you feel a connection, she’s for you! Don’t let her slip away🩷 If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

She will be absolutely perfect with pets, children and all other spirits. Long as you love them and they represent no danger to you and yours, she will love them too✨

She will speak with all divination tools, apps and telepathically 

*Her vessel is a beautiful vintage doll in great conditions considering her age, and was kept with much love by me and Lisa- her previous keeper

*She will come safely wrapped and shipped with Express Courier service, as with all my other spirits


Orbs of orange, pink and yellow colours, at times white

Shadows, some slow and some rather quick

Gentle steps can be noted with her during daytime, especially morning or afternoon 

Follows you with her eyes, when in her vessel

May move/ slightly move her vessel or objects that draw her attention

Breezes of air accompanied by a soft scent of lavender, vanilla or both can be noted with her, as she passed you by

May affect electronics- drains batteries, freezes cameras

May appear in photos/ videos with darker backgrounds or change her facial expressions during selfies

Flickers lights/ candles

May drink/ finish her drink offerings

Telepathic communication- thoughts that aren’t yours, for guidance, to share things with you or to answer you

Strong feelings of being safe, understood and cared for can be noted with her at all times

May show her full appearance in her own time. She is a rather short young woman, her face is a bit chubby, but she’s generally fit, thin I would say. She wears a white, lacy headband, a white dress that’s fluffy at the bottom, and a pin or brooch with 2 daisy flowers side by side. She’s pale, has dark blue eyes, rosey cheeks and very full, plump lips. And her hair is straight and short to her shoulder, fully blonde. She looks really pretty, and almost always smiles, just like an angel✨