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Elena, The Ghost of the Adriatic - Wonderful And Positive Spirit Companion And Protector For Beginner And Experienced Spirit Keepers

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In this beautiful vintage porcelain doll that serves as her vessel, resides the wonderful and loving spirit of Elena, a female spirit in her 30’s who lived in the 1900s. She came to me 4 years ago from the haunted collection of Lisa -a medium and spirit keeper from whom I have gathered many outstanding souls in my haunted collection, as many of you know, and Elena is one of them🥹
Elena’s life was nothing short of remarkable, as she was born into a distinguished family in a small coastal town in Croatia, she was raised with a love for knowledge and a deep sense of duty. Her father, a British diplomat at the time, and her mother, a Croatian historian, nurtured her keen intellect and adventurous spirit Elena shared.
By her mid 20’s, Elena had become one of the most skilled and elusive spies for the United Kingdom during World War I. She was so good at everything she did, that she became known to her enemies as “The Ghost of the Adriatic”, as she could gather intelligence, intercept communications, and vanish without a trace, leaving only whispers in her wake.
Yet, Elena’s life was marked by profound loss. During her years as a spy, she lost her entire family🙏🏻 Her parents perished in a raid, and her younger brother, who had followed Elena into the shadows of espionage, was captured and executed by enemy forces. Each loss deepened her resolve but also left her with scars that would never fully heal. By the time she was 30, Elena was a woman haunted by both the dead and the living, carrying the weight of her painful secrets.
Tragically, her final mission led to her betrayal and capture. Despite enduring unspeakable torture, Elena refused to reveal the information she held. She died in 1922, her life cut short by plain greed and treachery from her newly found boyfriend- who was also a spy for a different agency😓 But even in death, Elena’s story did not end. Her spirit, bound by unfinished business and her love for her homeland, did not pass on. Instead, and through the strong power of her Will, she did not rest until she’s had her justice, and she went on a hunt managing to reveal her boyfriend’s true identity to her team, especially knowing they were All in danger due to his infiltration.
After finishing all that she had to do, she became a benevolent spirit guide to various people she’d visit and help where she saw fit, unconditionally🥹🙏🏻 She said she had found a new conviction, new sense of purpose and she just couldn’t move on seeing so much suffering around. She then began offering her wisdom, skills and comfort to those in need whether they knew it or not. For her was all about the end result, rather than praise and acknowledgment to her existence, and often people wouldn’t even know it was her to help🥹🙏🏻 With just watching people living well after her interference, she was more than enough.
As in life she had not only training but a deep passion for her work, she could easily detect motivations, lies and hidden feelings in others. Now in spirit, her abilities are at their peak, being fully evolved without the limitations of her mortal body and mind, as with most spirits. She can now read people’s deepest fears and desires just as they sit by you, and let me tell you these are some startlingly accurate insights🙏🏻 There is no intention or possible thought or motivation that she can’t reveal about others, and in my life path, even spiritual path- she made a huge difference whenever given the chance🥹🙏🏻
One of Elena’s most extraordinary gifts is her ability to foresee the future through just her intelligence and higher senses, now in spirit, obviously magnified. I have personally counted on her before taking many decisions, some of which could cause tremendous problems otherwise😅🙏🏻
Elena’s prognostications are not just wise,they are uncannily accurate, guiding us away from disaster and toward better futures. Her guidance is not just practical, it is infused with a deep understanding of human nature, born from a life of both great love and profound loss🥹🙏🏻
And to be honest, if not for her, I wouldn’t even be able to renovate my parents home few years back, as my ex husband was Infatuated with a solar power project in which he already invested, and asked me to- almost forced me to invest in. A project which is now completely stuck, his money frozen for years, due to the lack of government approval here in Malaysia😆🤷‍♀️
I am immensely grateful to her for insisting me not to do it, as now my family especially my mom is living her old age well 🥹🙏🏻 
Elena’s presence brings so much peace and ease of mind, comfort to her keeper. She is like your best friend, an unconditional ally that sees through most things and people, and lets you in on everything in your immediate surroundings. A soul that you may count on day and night for everything knowing she has your best interest in mind.
She is protective, fearless and supportive, and she will never let you step wrong, or feel alone in life -and if you’re a sensitive you may hear her every now and then saying these exact words to you, as she had told me, especially in times I was hopeless, lost and ready to give up🙏🏻🥹
Despite the tragedy that marked her life, Elena’s spirit is not bitter in the least.
Yes, like anyone, she had to finish her business- but when that was over, she was herself again, and more than herself if you ask me🥹 She has become this embodiment of resilience and hope. 
She definitely helped reminding me that even in the darkest of times, there is light to within us all, and that every soul living and not, has the capacity to endure, heal, and grow. To my experience she makes the perfect spirit companion for both beginner but also experienced keepers, and she’s proved herself time and time again🥹 Not through outstanding powers like Magic typical to stronger spirits, but through her inner Strength, Will, and companionship above all else. And once you welcomed her into your life and truly experienced her, you cannot possibly disagree to this🥹🥰
Now to keep her happy, inviting her to cinema, to watch a movie of your own choice and liking every now and then will make her over the moon with joy🥰
She prefers comedy though, but any good movie will do since she is not picky in the least. She can also be taken out on walks or drives, but if you just do it when you have the time to, she’ll be happy- otherwise you rather not, as she will only enjoy those if You Do. For offerings, in life, and in her free time she loved to sketch, people, buildings, environments she’s seen that caught her eye in her travels all over Europe, so a small sketch book and a pencil would make a wonderful gift. Otherwise, for food, snacks are still her favourites. Chips, nuts, even pickles of all kind she will enjoy. She also said she never had time for a good, black coffee, and so black coffee or plain water will make a good offering for this precious soul🥹and she will more than appreciate you for it.
For on the go, she can be taken in her vessel for far away distances, but otherwise, on a 20km radius around her vessel and your home, she will be strong enough to come along without it😊
I highly recommend this precious soul for those going through life changes, tough times and tough decision makings, those that are or have been suffering losses, traumatic experiences or just loneliness.
She will make such a beautiful difference, a true blessing in one’s life, as she’s been in mine✨

If you feel a connection, she’s for you! Don’t let her slip away🩷 If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

She will be wonderful and very caring with pets, children and other spirits you may have. In our rather large spirits family, she was really endeared by everyone, as she had shown no fear nor restraint to friend even the stronger, sterner spirits - and for that they all loved and appreciated her🥹

She will speak with all divination tools apps, and telepathically 

*Her vessel is a beautiful vintage doll, in pristine conditions and kept with much love by me and Lisa, her previous keeper
*She will come safely wrapped and shipped with Express Courier service, as with all my other spirits


Orbs of pink, purple and white colours
Shadows, some quick and some slower ones making them easier to be perceived 
Gentle steps can be noted with her during mornings and afternoons
Breezes of air along with a soft and powdery scent of different perfumes can be noted as she passed you by
Follows you with her eyes -when she is in her vessel 
May gently knock doors or furnitures, to let you know when she’s around
May drink/ finish her liquid offerings
Flickers lights/ candles
May affect electronics - drain batteries, freeze cameras ( in excitement)
She may also appear to smile in photos/ videos -as she greatly enjoys those now. She said due to her lifestyle she could never take any photo at all, to avoid her identity being revealed🥰
Telepathic communications- thoughts that aren’t yours, mainly for guidance, to advise you or to answer you
Strong feelings of unconditional love, comfort, resilience and being safe can be noted with her at all times
She may show her full appearance in her own time. She is a beautiful woman in her 30’s, with dark, shoulder length wavy brown hair, sun kissed skin and blue eyes. She is quite short and tiny in size, she looks adorable just like a doll🥹 She is wearing a white, silky long sleeve blouse and a long purple flowers skirt with brown boots.