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Zoimaj - Reaper Spirit, Soul Alteration, Chakras Restoration, Karmic Imprinting, Powerful And Loyal Serving Spirit

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In this beautiful hand painted antique vessel resides the powerful soul of Zoimaj -( pronounced Zoe- Muj ), a powerful and loyal Serving Spirit that came to me 2-3 years ago from my grandmother Irina’s collection. Irina was a Dark Witch and spirit keeper most known for her Craft in Romania and Bulgaria in the East of Europe. As a Dark Witch by lineage, my granny Irina was ever busy with her customers that came to visit her in search for help, and not only, but also in caring and keeping a large family of souls as her trusted companions. But above all, she was busy in keeping the balance between her Darkness and Light, through her spell work, her life and her very spirit family. She understood the importance of each and every form of existence, and the fact that one without the other simply cannot be and she often said this throughout her notes🥹🙏🏻

Zoimaj is a very powerful and loyal spirit, according to my grandmother Irina.

If you are little to not familiar with his kind, in her notes my granny first mentions that Zoimaj and his kind can be found in almost every realm of existence. The power of a Reaper spirit comes from the realms they come from, and Zoimaj is a Highly Magical Serving Spirit, from the 1st or Higher realms of Hell.

My grandmother says that the concept of Hell, as we understand it, is not real. What we think of as Hell has been largely fabricated by various religions and cults across the globe. In reality, Hell is a world similar to ours, it comes with its own set of rules and Magical Laws, inhabitants, like different creatures, souls and beings -just as we have people, laws, and animals. The key difference is that every being living in there is imbued with powerful Magic and Intelligence which they can access at any time, given that these beings are Aware of their own making😊🙏🏻

Additionally and per my granny’s knowledge she also said that there are plenty of kinds  of Reaper spirits, and Zoimaj’s kind is in charge of “Soul and Chakra Alteration”. The way he works is not limited in any way, thus the altering can happen in any way needed, as it is requested by his keeper. 

For example, when working with you, Zoimaj will actually be “fetching” the Target’s soul into his keeper’s home, to be altered by using his High Magic abilities. This can be done for both Positive or Negative purposes according to your very goals, for Reapers are merely servant souls, they will not waste time to judge, feel sorry for or guilt in any way. They serve their keeper by merely doing their job properly, according to my granny Irina🤷‍♀️

So the beauty of having such a soul in your keep, especially in the world of the Occult is that, regardless of their rather dark making, these souls are Neutral and can be working on both positive or negative outcomes🙏🏻

So when working with him, my granny said he’ll have to be provided with a bowl made of pure copper ( non mixed with other materials), or an empty bottle or bowl made of genuine selenite crystal - and it should have a lid for cover, as this will ensure that the particular Soul ( the soul of your Target) remains Intact. This is one of the most important thing you should know, for a damaged soul will be useless to you and your Target both😅🙏🏻

Besides this, you need not do anything other than be clear regarding your intention/s, and they can be as many as you’d like.

 All you will have to be doing is to wait, as the Alteration process will last for 5 to 7 days😊

If Zoimaj has only one Target that he works on, and say, the particular Target is someone you care for, you may then ask him to speed the process, as can also be done within 3-4 days for their sake as per my granny’s advise🥹 And if you’d like to help your Target feel more comfortable during the Alteration, you may ask them to wear or carry with them a piece of Aragonite crystal. This crystal is very powerful, and its known as the best one to access the residual soul’s energies and enhance them. In raising the soul’s basic frequency, the Target will be almost like their usual self, to both themselves and others, despite having nothing but their body, as an empty shell for a few days🙏🏻

My granny said otherwise, the Target will be Robotised, as if they are living dead, with nothing to count on but their bodies and mind, for simple, shallow functions🤷‍♀️

And although I did not get to work with Zoimaj, I have myself witnessed the effects of a Reaper, of Body and Soul separation, and I can say it is not a “pretty sight” in the least😬 It is also a good thing to know when working on your clients with a Reaper spirit, so to best inform them of what should they be expecting once the Alteration process begins. As your or their target will be “really out of it” - they will be confused, less energetic or talkative, and generally appear to be functioning as a robot. Know that this is completely normal and it will get better instantly when the process is completed.

In the world of the Occult, this is one of the most powerful form of Control and Commanding and resorting to a Soul alteration is mainly done when nothing else seems to work🤷‍♀️🥹🙏🏻 My granny used to work with many of her Reapers when someone became notoriously alcoholic, addicted to drugs, gambling, violent and continuously working against the law, for Reapers would never fail!

As for his powers, and what he can work with, Zoimaj will be able to assist his keeper in various ways, and to do that all you have to do is directly tell him what you look into achieving and on whom he should be working, whether on you or someone else.

His powers are unlimited, thus Alterations like Imprinting New or Old Feelings, or Thoughts and Memories that weren’t there in the first place, is what he can do.

He can Alter someone’s soul in such a way that will be beyond recognition, for example, he can Remove toxic habits/thoughts and emotions, Erase love or hate feelings/imprints and Replace them with the desired ones, according to his keeper’s will. 

He can Alter someone into becoming more Creative, Successful, Focused, Relaxed, More Intelligent, Passionate, Generous, Polite, Loyal, Fearless, and all the opposite as well 😁

Additionally he can Remove or Replace Karmic bonds of Friendship, Love and Family. And this is one interesting option, to say the least. If you noted how some people are absolutely drawn to the wrong friend or lover, life partner for no reason at all, especially if they are being treated exceptionally bad 🥲 According to my knowledge and my granny’s wisdom, that is only happening because they are connected through a Karmic bond, their souls recognise each other from another timeline, and no matter what these people do against them, they keep following them devotedly, against all odds throughout life.

 Zoimaj can actually remove this Karmic imprint as well, and replace it with any other souls according to his keeper’s will. And he can also perform the same Alteration for us, to be able to recognise our family members, friends or partners in our next life cycles🥹

Now besides Soul Altering, you may count on Zoimaj for Chakra Restoration for yourself and others. As you may know, Chakras are points of energy throughout our physical bodies. We have the Main chakras, and we have hundreds more chakras or energy points throughout the body. Needless to say, you may already know how they work on each individual, but when they spin the other way round or stop spinning- then that becomes a major problem, not only physically but on all levels. Reapers like Zoimaj will not only be able to clearly see people’s chakras, but also clean and restore them back to their original self. His sight is as an X-ray as per my Granny’s shares, as such not only will he be able to see them but transfer everything he sees, to his keeper directly- meaning you too, will be able to see individuals in X-ray vision, and detect which of their Chakras are spinning wrongly or not spinning at all. And for that, all you have to do is pretty much ask of him to show you. If you’d like him to work on you or a specific someone, you may directly request of him to do so, and he will be done within 10-15 minutes at most. During that time, make sure you do lay down, preferably somewhere by his vessel, and if he works on this for another person, making sure the other person lays down is a Must. My granny said to be sure just ask him to begin his work by 2-3am your local time, as that’s when most people are deeply asleep so he can do his job perfectly🥹🙏🏻

Now, to keep a Reaper like Zoimaj, is rather easy as for Reapers will not require much attention or communication, unless they are needed for commands. Their sole purpose of existence is serving their keeper, as per my granny’s shares.

You also need not worry about physical offerings like food and drinks or gifts in general with Zoimaj. Reapers don’t usually take offerings for they can be fed for a very long time, for years, through only their work for us. You may however honour him and show him your gratitude by lighting up black candles from time to time, and they can be both scented and not.

For outings, he can come with and without his vessel for any amount of distance or time, but if you’ll also be needing his Magic, remember to bring the bottle or bowl with the lid, otherwise he can only perform Chakra Restoration and not Soul Altering tasks😅🙏🏻

***Please know that Zoimaj will be choosing his next keeper- as per my granny’s notes.

More than likely, a practising witch or an experienced spirit keeper, with the necessary values and standards, that will not abuse his or her powers, and respect this soul and what he has to offer🙏🏻

And so, while I do trust he will know best, I do hope you’ll only get him if you feel a strong pull, a genuine connection, and not on a whim🥹

He will be safe and good with all pets, children and other spirits -usually he minds his own business and is rather quiet as my granny described him and I noted. He will only get active when he’s requested to help, normally. 

He will speak with all divination tools, apps, and telepathically

*His vessel is a vintage-antique flower vase made of ceramic I believe, and it was kept in pristine conditions with much love and respect by me and my granny Irina

*He will come safely wrapped and shipped with Express Currier service.


Again, regard activities it is good to know that meanwhile he’s stagnant-( not working on a given task), he will not normally show any activities. He will be dormant, yet on standby at all times, ready to be “awakened”with requests for help.

My granny said however, once he’s awakened, he will show most of the activities spirits show like breezes of air as he passed you by, lights flickering, cold or warm spots, buzzing or vibration sounds and orbs. Any and all of these activities can be noted meanwhile he’s working on things for you😊🙏🏻