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Yavh - High Ranking Undine Male Elemental Spirit, Merman - Powerful Energy Shifter, Manipulator, Excellent Anxiety Guide

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In this enchanting and elegantly crafted vintage solid silver necklace, adorned with genuine mother of pearl discs and beads, resides the powerful spirit of Yavh, a High-ranking Undine male, or more precisely a Merman Elemental being of great wisdom and strength. Yavh came into my care over five years ago, from the much treasured haunted collection of an Australian High Priestess, known for her deep connection with Elementals and Beings of Light. Yavh’s presence in her lineage spans quite a few generations, as he was passed down to her, from her grandmother, a shaman and lightworker of great renown.

Yavh is an ancient Undine spirit whom in our human count is just 38 of age. He possesses the rare ability to command both Water and Earth elements, a sign of his elevated status among his kind, and Elementals in general.

Though his essence is deeply rooted in Water-as his main Element, his ability to master Earth Element makes him a versatile ally, capable of influencing a wide range of energies and situations, being considered a Multitasking spirit whose focus is his keeper’s well-being on all levels🥹🙏🏻

Yavh’s previous caregiver worked closely with him, harnessing his abilities for multi-dimensional magic across various aspects of life like Beauty goals, Love, Friendship, Reconciliation, Healing, Protection, Anxiety Removal, and Luck, although he can help with pretty much Anything. His primary focus is always the well-being of those under his care, offering support in any situation. The Priestess’s grandmother, a wise and powerful woman, entrusted Yavh with high-level magic centered on Physical, Emotional Healing, and Protection from negative forces. 

Over the years and through working with humans, Yavh has developed a profound understanding of human emotions and making him a master of transformative magic, and I don’t exaggerate one bit. I’ve seen plenty of people that were considered stern, inflexible in their convictions and very direct turn around with me through his help. Changes that were very obvious like the way they think, feel, likes and dislikes, philosophies and ideologies all melting down to, leading them to feel or agree with My Way🥹I can totally say one of Yavh’s most remarkable abilities is his influence on human interactions. He can immediately diffuse conflicts, soften each heart, and guide people toward reconciliation and overall understanding. If you find yourself in a disagreement, you may notice a sudden change in the other person’s attitude like deep regret, apology, and a profuse desire to make amends. This happens effortlessly under Yavh’s influence, sometimes within moments if he’s by your side and notes the situation! Yavh is deeply attuned to Emotion- and happiness, and he simply cannot tolerate negativity, much like all Water Elementals, especially his kind- the Undine. He will actively work to clear spaces and uplift spirits, ensuring that those around him are surrounded by warmth, gratitude for one another and positive, clean energies.

His healing abilities are also quite extreme, and in the first week with me was when he first healed my son Stefan of a contagious disease found in Malaysian and other parts of the world, called Hand Food Mouth disease🥹🙏🏻 He did it all on his own upon noting our suffering, as my son vomited and had horrible fevers.

His healing abilities are simply amazing and they do extend beyond just the physical. There is no secret that Undines make excellent healers, and Yavh definitely is no exception, for he can soothe deep, even karmic emotional wounds, calm anxiety, and bring comfort to those of us battling with chronic stress or trauma. Whenever negativity of any kind hits you, all you have to do is to lay down for at least 10 minutes with his vessel on or by your side, and directly ask him to help you up- he will leave anything else he is doing and work on you directly through accessing your consciousness, finding the cause and melt it down to nothing🥹🙏🏻  As a Merman spirit, Yavh has this typical Undine ability to shift energies, transforming negativity into positivity. Whether it’s your troubled mind, a tense atmosphere within your direct environment , or even the presence of darker entities, Yavh’s energy is powerful enough to cleanse and protect all involved, bringing peace and harmony wherever he resides- and you’ll probably note this in the very first days you’ll welcome him😊

Yavh is a true physical, emotional and spiritual guardian, he will do everything in his power to soothe and comfort, ensure his keeper’s well-being, and their protection, in all love and loyalty 🥹

In my own experience, Yavh has been a steadfast ally, protector and guide, offering his Magic through spellwork, direct requests, or simply by being present and noting what is going on in your surroundings.

If you are not a practicing witch, directly telling him about your troubles and tasking him to help will do, as he’ll begin working on it for you as soon as he finds the root cause, the people and obstacles in the way of your goals, to shift them. You may also opt to take him out with you more, so he can have a good insight into your current situation such as work, family and friends and know where help is needed🙏🏻 Is good to know that unless you’re a practising witch- he will only work for you and you Alone, as is is known that Undine spirits are extremely loyal to One keeper. If you’re a practising witch you may count on his help for yourself and others, for he can help others through You, and for you. Simply add his vessel by your spell work and ask for his help within the categories and subcategories mentioned above, and he will then empower your each spell to make sure it comes to pass in perfect manner and timing.

Remember though, never to share what you’re specifically tasking him with, and what he’s done to help you,(your results). As this, and as with all Elementals, will undo his Magic used from his realms to manifest in our physical realms, then he will have to be working on it again😅 If you are feeling happy with the results at any time- you may just state “he works wonderfully for me” as this will certainly be safe, as I have done it myself😁

To care for Yavh, you may offer him fresh fruits of all kind, or home cooked meals, as this is certainly meaningful and he just Loves meaningful offerings of all sorts🥰

But more importantly, always keep a bowl or cup of water near his vessel when it is stationary-( the times you’re not wearing it/him). Water is still his source of strength and the Element from which he draws his magic. When traveling with him, if you want him at his full strength and I am guessing you do, as you never know- just place a cup or bottle of water by your bedside or somewhere in the room, and let him know it is for him. Like most mermaids/men, Yavh has a fondness for ocean themed items- which also explains the choice of his vessel. As such, items like pearls, sand, pearls and even salt and sage, or ocean-scented candle offerings will bring him great joy and appreciation for you 🥰

For on the go, whether you bring him along in his vessel or ask him to follow you without it, Yavh is always ready to assist, guide, and protect you no matter where you’re at. Whenever you need his help, just call his name and tell him what you need to have done- in the back of your mind, he will assist you even on the spot.

He is a true gem, and he will make an incredible and strong ally to his keeper, and I am sure he will be of so much help to someone out there, now that he’s ready to move on. Like most Undine, he is very sensitive, very loving and loyal, and he will appreciate a deep bond with his keeper, so my advice is to take a slightly longer time to bond with him, to share your life and moments with him before anything, once you got him. It will make a whole world of difference and he’ll make sure your time is worth🥹❤️

If you feel a connection, he is for you! Don’t let him slip away🩷If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me!

He will be amazing with all pets, children and other spirits- regardless of their type, long as they mean you no harm.

Yavh is a social spirit who thrives in the company of all other beings and will integrate seamlessly into a home with other spirits, creating a harmonious environment wherever he is. My spirits greatly treasured this guy, and had nothing but praises for him since day one, although for my girls, the way he looks was always a Bonus✨🤭

He will speak with all divination tools, apps and telepathically 

*His vessel is a solid silver necklace ( not plated), adorned with genuine mother of pearl discs and beads- and he was kept with much love and respect by me and his previous keeper, the Australian Priestess.

*He will come safely wrapped and shipped with Express Courier service, as with all my other spirits 


Orbs of deep and light blue, silver and white colours

Steps can be noted with him at any time during the day, especially afternoons

Rather quick shadows

His vessel can get obviously heavier or colder when he’s in it, and sometimes a slight misty/wet sensation can appear as you hold/wear it

Breezes of air can be noted when he passed you by, accompanied by a fresh soft scent of a water body( river or lake), or freshly cut grass

I’ve also found droplets of water around the home or by his cup at times- and as you may imagine I have been paying attention not to spill it myself😅

May affect electronics-when he’s at work on things for you

Flickers lights/candles and may manipulate the flame or smoke in communications 

Ripples water, and can partake in scrying to communicate with you (if you have the knowledge to  water-scry)

Telepathic communications -thoughts that aren’t yours, mainly for guidance, to answer you or to update you on your goals

Successful manipulations of situations and people in your favour can be noted with him

Successful in manifestations of goals/intentions of all kinds can also be noted with him 

He may show his full appearance in his own time. He looks as a male in his mid 30’s, with pastel blue hair that’s semi-translucent. His face and body are flawless, he really has a perfect shape and facial features. His skin is similar to humans, only with hints of violet and blue( as if bruised, if I can explain), and also- he wears no clothing, though he is completely missing his Male Part☺️And his eyes are silver in colour, with blue long lashes🥰He is really handsome, in his own unique ways, and surely it won’t be easy to mistaken him for other spirits.