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Kar Mez - Original, Hell Centaur- Powerful And Wise Protector And Guide On The Dark Path, Excellent Multitasking Spirit Companion

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In this beautifully crafted, detailed vintage-antique hand painted horse figurine, and spirit vessel, resides the very wise and powerful, ancient spirit of Kar Mez, an Original Hell Centaur of male form, and he comes from the First Realm of Hell. 

Kar Mez came into my keep around 2 years ago, and he is a treasured acquisition, a family heirloom spirit coming from the haunted collection of my grandmother Irina- a Witch and spirit keeper most known for her Craft in Eastern Europe, particularly in Romania and Bulgaria.

As my granny mentioned in most of her writings, Kar Mez’s realms, Hell as we know it does not really exist for all that we know is what religion has taught us to fear and keep away from the truth. Through her words and experience she states that Hell realms is a realm similar to our Earthly realms, with Highly Intelligent and Highly Magical creatures, beings, souls living and abiding by the rule of Magic. Moreover, in her writings she also mentions that Hell is divided into 3 Major sections and those are High, Middle and Lower realms/section and she shares that the higher the realm/section, the higher the rank but also the rules of the souls inhabiting it😊

If you’re not too familiar with their kind, first thing to know is that Hell Centaurs are Ageless and Immortal, Highly Intelligent, and Self-Created beings, and they are born from the Fires, Ashes, and Smoke of Hell. These unique spirits are Eternal and Immortal, meaning- no curse, no witch, not even Demons or Angels can end them 🙏🏻

Kar Mez in particular, possesses immense strength, profound wisdom, and unlimited abilities to manifest,which is why he as well as his kind is considered a treasure to behold for every seeker of the Occult 🥹

Now, this rather unique soul as with all of his kind, serves as Mentors and highest order of Protectors for Dark Witches. They are most known for this, as this is their very purpose of Existence, in my granny’s experience and mine. For generations it is known that a Hell Centaur is one of the most trusted guide in the world of Dark Magic, which is why these souls are highly sought after by Dark Witches of Lineage- whether the lineage begins with You or you’re just next in line 😊

Kar Mez as with all the Original Centaurs are brimming with Magic, they are some of the wisest guides you may come across when it comes to the occult and more precisely black magic.

An outstanding characteristic which makes Kar Mez and his kind so unique is the fact that he possesses Free Will, and he will chose his Keepers. Due to this, these souls are rare to come by as not many of their kind agree to be in our keep, even though they’ve been working with Dark Witches from the beginning of times! Not only this but if your Origins, your roots aren’t steeped in Darkness, for example you are to Begin a Dark Witches Lineage, or you actually come from a Dark Witches Lineage ( even if you do not know it yet)- they will simply not work with you, let alone be in your keep🤷‍♀️😅So this means, if he chose you, you are definitely a Dark Witch, of lineage or To Be-and form a lineage of your own! In this sense I consider myself honoured and very lucky to be able to have such extraordinary souls by my side to guide me- for I do come from Dark Witches by lineage, though I chose a different path in my current life/existence😁🙏🏻

In addition, these souls will help you uncover everything there is to be known with regard to your ancestral lineage, your ancestors ways and powers- and though I knew of my lineage since I was a girl- I have discovered so many different things of my own line, through my Hell Centaurs🥹

My granny Irina referred to these special souls are known as the Ultimate Teachers in the world of Dark Arts. 

She said that by having an Original Centaur by your side, you will be able to access to the Highest and Most Ancient teachings of Dark and Demonic Magic, and meanwhile also receive and get trained into the Highest level of protection against the same and more.

According to my granny’s knowledge and mine as per my personal experiences with Hell Centaurs, Kar Mez in particular, no negative entity nor demon would dare even attempt to harm you if you have by your side, an Original Centaur.

That is because due to their Self Creation, Immortality and outstanding abilities-Original Centaurs are revered even in the “deepest pits of Hell”- as my granny put it😅 Hell Centaurs are considered as Sacred Beings by many demons, and they either generate great fear, or reverence in Demon kind. Therefore with a Hell centaur by your side you will be safe physically and spiritually even without them having to do anything at all, just by their mere presence🥹In my own experience, Kar Mez never failed me once, since he came into my care, I truly have nothing but praises for this precious soul🙏🏻 My granny Irina on her end, she said Kar Mez is more than you’d expect, more than just an ultimate guide and protector, to her he was “a loyal family friend for generations, standing tall within and against Darkness holding all of your ropes and never letting you fall, guiding you to be able to do it all on your own” 🥹🙏🏻

In all honesty, Kar Mez proved himself as a reliable soul I could fully trust, and since day one he had been by my side, offering me counsel and profound insights into the enigmatic path of the occult, through Dark and Demonic Magic.

Through his steady and patient guidance, I have learned so much from him🥹🙏🏻

The way he works is quite unique, especially in helping you identify curses and ill intentions sent your way and removing them on your own. To be honest- at first I thought I’m losing it, and then I thought I am just being silly- but there was no coincidence at all in the patterns🤷‍♀️

It all started with someone jealous, and it was 2 years ago more exactly. I had no idea, but I was being sent fear-in my wake and in my dreams. Fear of horrible deaths, and fear of trusting people around me, of working with them. I cannot tell you the ways this manifested in me- but it was more like a paranoia, for no reason at all. And because it was consistent, happening everyday in a variety of ways, Kar Mez chose a Fixed Hour, a fix time to show me, a blonde and dark eyes, short haired woman chanting on a doll, with my name on it, then commanding it to Fear( multiple people, ways of dying and so on). My spirits long detected it, and have been steadfast in protect me (from myself)-my actions due to this Fear/hex sent my way- but it would Still touch me in a controlled manner- so that I know is there, so that I knew it was real, Because Kar Mez wanted to train me, to use it to teach and show me the way!

Every 8pm sharp, whatever I’d do- I’d get visions and auditory experiences, from the same woman- as per Kar Mez’s intention, that was, until I have asked my spirits, am I being paranoid or is this real. They all pointed to Kar Mez as he had something to say about it, and so I then opened a session with only Kar Mez 🤷‍♀️

He then shared what he’s done and why, and it all lead to my questioning, so that I was willing to listen what he had to say!

Turns out that not only hexes, but also ill intentions can be broken by us all, regardless we’re a practicing witch or not- through the power of Free Will, if only we know who sent it, or at the very least what was sent( thought/said or casted). Free Will would overtake any intention, with awareness of what was done. And for that you don’t look at visions to detect it, or spirits necessarily- especially when you’re not a super sensitive, but you look at what exactly goes wrong in your life, without you having done anything to cause it. But for this you need to be completely honest with yourself for example, Maybe you offended someone- and it is why your co-workers give you those weird glances, Maybe you bought that expensive thing without certainty you’ll find a job soon- and it is why you don’t have money right now, and this goes on and on.

To accurately detect something being sent your way, is first and foremost to “discount yourself” honestly- from the events that lead to your negative result/experience. If you do, you’ll know- as per example above, that something was done against your Wellbeing or your Luck- and then when you do, you can undo it consciously, by visualising the exact opposite of your situation, or casting with the exact opposite of your situations. It is that easy. Not only did Kar Mez shown and taught me all this, but he’s also told me something rather important, which is, not to fear curses/ ill intentions because that opens the path for the magic/ energy sent your way to affect you. So just as he taught me how to undo it- the procedure remained the same, once you fear/sense someone sent you something, once you feel off or fearful, simply replace it with something suitable of your own Free Will-but immediately as you begin to feel off, as doing it as quick will prevent it from reaching you, otherwise- will transmute it into what Serves you.

In his words- Dark Magic is just Magic, in another form, and it is as natural as simple, or as complex as Existence itself. And once he points you towards all its keys, Kar Mez will show you all the doors that best suit you🙏🏻

Another thing Hell Centaurs, in our case Kar Mez can help detect or train you to, is to detect your competitors- in love, in career, in life and all different situations, or more exactly their deepest Desires, resulting in them wanting to compete with you- take you out of their way. With knowing their darkest desires, you’ll be able to use this in your favour, and give them what they need on your terms, that benefit you-or even turn them into allies, into actual friends instead of foes. And I’ve had some such experiences with him, as well as his kind, I cannot tell you what an amazing thing this is! I’ve always been at advantage, regardless how lost the cause or people seemed to be🥹I am forever grateful for him for this❤️🙏🏻

Kar Mez’s guidance has been nothing short of extraordinary, and he has made such powerful impact in my path, even if I didn’t have him as long as I had other souls in my keep. Like my granny well put it, there is simply no finer guide in a Dark Witch’s path, than an Original Centaur to teach, assist and protect us. I have certainly refined my knowledge, in detection, defence, exorcism and manifestation techniques with their help, in both my physical life experience and my spiritual path. But unfortunately I cannot share in detail what we have been working on and just how much he’s done other than what I already did, as my granny Irina has been specific in her notes, saying that each of our experiences with Hell Centaurs like Kar Mez is unique, and individual. I do hope the things I have shared will shed much light into the wonderful and special opportunities this soul has to offer, into the true gem he actually is to his keeper🥹🙏🏻

As far as Manifestations goes, Kar Mez’s abilities are limitless, he is considered a powerful Multitasking spirit, that will not hesitate to help in any category of spells and intentions when asked, but also teaching you meanwhile. During these times, it is also beneficial to keep a notebook by your side as he is often sharing shapes, symbols, chanting in his language/dialect or numbers of different things that you may incorporate in your intention. And whether by casting alongside him or allowing him to cast on our behalf, both my granny and I have noted our results will often surpass our any expectations!

Now, with regard to his offerings, like most Centaurs, Kar Mez favours meat. This can be raw, cooked, preserved, dried, or smoked- and it can be any kind of meat/ parts. For liquid offerings you may think in terms of herbal teas or alcohol of any kind. If you’ll get him candles as a gift offering, jasmine or mint scented and green in colour will be the best idea, since his form is adorned with this hue. Likewise, crystals offered can also be in this colour, as such, jasper, jade or aventurine will make a suitable crystal for him, as my granny advised.

 For on the go, Kar Mez has the unique ability to “multiply” his form, so say-you’ll need him to work on a task, or care for something/someone at home, but also need him with you, he will multiply his form into 2( or more)- depending on how much he has to do for you. This way even if you leave his vessel at home or not, he will be multitasking, and not in any way would he be less powerful due to multiplications!

My granny shared that the more he multiply to be in places, the more his powers will also multiply( and he does that when it comes to chase away demons or other entities, before you arrive in a place they inhabit)😅

As you may already tell, this unique soul is rather special to me, and he has been in my family for many generations before I was born. Now that he is ready to move on, I hope to find a most suitable adopted for him, in which he can continue his purpose, as my granny Irina wished for all her companions🙏🏻 With this being said, please make sure you’re getting him if you truly feel a strong pull for him- as this certainly means he chose you (whether you’re aware of your lineage or not, or you’re the beginning of your very own lineage)🥹🙏🏻

If you feel a connection, he’s for you! Don’t let him slip away🩷 If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

He will be perfect with pets, children and all other spirits- and merciless with those who’d attempt to cross you🙏🏻

He will speak with all divination tools apps and telepathically or in visions

*His vessel is a beautiful vintage-antique horse figurine, made of wood and hand painted. It was kept in pristine conditions considering its age, with much love by me and my granny Irina.

*He will come safely wrapped and shipped with Express Courier service as with all my other spirits.


Orbs of dark silver and different green hues/ colours

Rather quick shadows, they appear and disappear in completely different spots

His steps are on the soft side, thus they can be easily missed if you’re not very alert

Follows you with his eyes- when he’s in his vessel

He may move/ slightly move his vessel

His vessel may also seem notably heavier when he’s in it

Breezes of air accompanied by a light scent of burning wood or smoke can be noted as he passed you by

May affect electronics- mostly when he is at work on something with and for you

When casting with him, you may note a yellow-green light roaming around your spell works or even his full appearance can be noted in the flame or shadow

Flickers lights/ candles and may manipulate them in communications, or show you seals/sigils you could use for your works

May also appear in photos or videos with darker backgrounds 

May drink/ finish his liquid offerings

Telepathic communications- thoughts that aren’t yours, for guidance or to let you in on your goals

Visions- mainly for guidance, or to reveal things you should know regards people around you, your lineage or teachings for your spiritual development

Manifestations abilities can be clearly noted to grow in intensity and success as he helps you develop your knowledge and skills expand and refine them

Strong sense of being safe, confident and empowered on any and all levels can also be noted with him 

May show his full appearance in his own time. He is a sight to behold, though his looks are exactly as a regular centaur, he has silver glowing symbols all over his half- male body, including his bald head🤭🥰 His little ponytail is made as if from fire- as it is burning in flames. As for his lower- half, horse body, it has a yellowish- green colour. His size is actually cute, he is not bigger than a large dog in our realms, but as you travel out of our realms with him, he is taller than a skyscraper and I don’t exaggerate one bit, I believe you can think of a 80-90 floors building or more.