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Estela - Mexican Multitasking Witch Spirit From The 1800s, Skilled In Santeria, Black And White Magic, Little Dark, Foul Mouthed Yet Caring

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In this rather unique vintage-antique doll resides the special spirit of Estela, a Multitasking Witch of 42 years of age who practiced Black, White Magic and Santeria, and who lived in the late 1800s, in a remote corner of Veracruz -Mexico, named Catemaco. She came to me 6 years ago from the haunted collection of Lisa -a medium and spirit keeper in London from where I have gathered a large variety of spirits along the time.

Estela lived just with her cats in a small, weathered hut surrounded by thick jungles and she was known in her area for her powers, powers that were as practical as they were precise🙏🏻

She was known to heal the sick with herbs no one else could find, calm raging storms with a prayer whispered to the wind, and speak with the dead as if they were living people sitting right next to her -thing which brought fear to many. But she didn’t use these gifts lightly, nor did she offer them without a cost! The cost most often coming in the form of a lesson for she was a serious woman, with a sharp tongue and a stern demeanour, much as she is now in spirit😬

She wasn’t the type to smile often, and when she did, it was usually at someone else’s expense she shared, but always pointing at people’s ignorance and silly ways, to make them see how petty and how small certain things are.

That is also partly because she had learned long ago that people were more likely to respect what they feared, and she was perfectly fine with being feared.

In her younger years, Estela had tried to build genuine friendships, but too many of those so-called friends were more interested in her abilities than in her as a person, and most didn’t even know her at all. They wanted her to fix their problems, make them rich, or curse their enemies🤷‍♀️Eventually, Estela grew tired of it all and withdrew from the village, content to be left alone, rather than in bad company.

Her powers were real, everyone who ever met her, and the villagers knew it🥹

Estela had saved countless lives with her knowledge Santeria, of plants and roots, curing fevers that no doctor could treat and mending bones that could have never healed, breaking curses and so much more.

When the sky darkened with ominous clouds, Estela would stand in her doorway and whisper to chants, her words carrying through other realms summoning entities to help do her biddings. It was also known Estela could control the weather, and if there was draught, soon enough, the clouds would break, and the rain would fall gently, nourishing her crops, and all the surroundings🥹

 But it wasn’t just her ability to manipulate the natural world that made Estela feared and respected -it was her connection to the spirits she shares, the confidence and ease with which she handled them.

Because of Estela’s connection to the dead, many spirits came to her in hope to send a message to their living, loved ones. So every now and then she would relay their messages to the living when she felt it necessary🤷‍♀️

But she didn’t just commune with human spirits, she controlled many other creatures of the night and entities of both Light and Darkness.

So when the living sought revenge, she could bind a spirit or an entity to do their bidding, though she rarely did so.

Just like she does now, she did it only if she thought it was Just, and then she would act with no Mercy🙏🏻

Even after her death, Estela’s mind set and behaviour is rather strong, stern if you will, and I have to say this, because her presence can be easily misunderstood🥹🙏🏻She is a strong spirit that requires a Keeper that is strong-willed, has no patience for nonsense and can actually take her “foul language”, one whom she will choose herself. In exchange, Estela offers her invaluable guidance, wisdom and protection🥹

Her stern demeanour does not mean for one moment she will not be of help -it is really, just the way she is and you must not be afraid of her in any way, especially when it comes to your well-being and Justice works- which she Specialises in, and it is her Focus.

She will always appreciate you asking her for help, and your trust in her for she will make sure to do you Justice in every way you deserve, ensuring that those who sought to take advantage of You, her keeper, would find themselves facing far more than they bargained for!🥹🙏🏻

Another thing I would like to mention is Estela’s sense of humour -in life it had always been sharp and cutting, and it remained so in death😬

She simply isn’t interested in sugarcoating the truth or offering comfort where it wasn’t deserved. So if you do something wrong, she will point it out, especially when she had Already warned you beforehand.

To be honest, she even called me names😂🤷‍♀️ not rude but rather silly ones, and I just knew she meant well, and she was right to do so😓 The thing is, she had spent too many years dealing with people’s nonsense to continue to bother with it now, it is why she is very direct in what she has to say.

In life, she had protected herself with a wall of fear and intimidation, and in death, she protected her keeper with the same fierce attitude in whatever way she deems fit.

Estela might not have been the most friendly or talkative spirit, but those who really get to know her, will just know and  understand that she always means well, even if her way of showing it or expressing it is anything but “gentle”😅

I had one time where I was trying to manifest some emotional peace, some “calm within the storm” as they say- while my family was in Malaysia to visit, and I had to spread and over-extend myself between everything like work, family, friends and my kids, I was all over the space to be honest. And given is such small task I took it on my own, to let my spirits rest, as before this, I had tasked them with so many things. Thing is, my spells didn’t last, they weren’t meant to be permanent, but anyway they lasted just hours at a time, which was certainly Not Enough for me during that time. And this wasn’t the only time I noted it, but was the only time I got affected by it, to the point of frustration! Estela seeing this reacted, and her reaction kind of hurt my feelings, as she called me stupid-pain and simple🤷‍♀️🤕 Not sure of the exact word she used, as when she curses she mostly does it in Spanish😓 But I took it to heart, and I really wanted to get out of the room, but she actually blocked me from doing it-by locking the door. Not with a lock or key- simply by sealing it with her powers!

She then told me, actually this is such a simple spell, and don’t I ever wonder why with other people my spells worked so well but when it came to such simple task I couldn’t do it? It is because I use Water (in the spell I used water, as one of the Main tool to manifest my calmness, the peace I sought)- and that’s because Water is one of the biggest magical-emotional conductors🤷‍♀️However, when manifesting anything Mental or Emotional even Physical healing, for the Self- a Witch has to use her very own Element for it to last, and that for me is Fire, because I was born as a Fire sign, in Leo😅

It did make all the sense in the world and I realised right away that my spells did not last as much, because I have used the wrong conductor, I could just Burn my wish instead🤭🤷‍♀️

As I said, the way she does things, is all in her own way, especially the way she expresses, but once you have a good look- you’ll just see one thing, and that is- she Always means well, genuinely🥹🙏🏻 She is not very emotional, very warm and loving in her expressions, but if you know her, you can Feel her care through so many different things, through her every action and reaction. She is comforting, but her comfort comes in ways you least expect, and sometimes in the silliest of ways you can imagine that will even give you some of the most explosive laughters😆

Some years back I had a male friend, confessing his love for me, his name was Josh. I told him I can’t accept, that I was married and loved my husband, and was very direct, though understanding and respectful. I really liked the guy as a friend, and had no idea of his feelings- it came as a shock as you may imagine. And even if he was a very strong, firm character, and I knew this wasn’t possible, not for a long time, I had to ask him if we can continue to be friends. He said no, he didn’t think so, not for a long while or at least not until the same amount of time he spend loving me passed,( I still don’t know how long that is) as I didn’t ask🤕so I was really sad. I came back home, lit a candle and called on my spirits to tell them about my day, what I happened and what Josh said -that we can’t be friends anymore, I was hurt and disappointed of course. But then I heard Estela saying “ don’t be sad girl, one pu*o menos!” I asked her what did she say? And she asked me to repeat after her while using my device to get the translation, and once I did I just bursted in laughter😆🤭 it means” one b***h less!😂😂🤷‍♀️- she is just like that! 

Not that she ever liked my male friends, as she always said something mean about one or the other ( I am guessing, again, with good reason), but this was simply hilarious, the way she said it, I couldn’t even make up such a sentence in my mind🤷‍♀️😆

Now to work with Estela, you can do it by either allowing her to cast for you, or casting with her yourself, if you’re a practising witch. Expect to be led however, as she might have better ways or quicker ways, and just don’t contradict her - and it will be perfect, just the way you wanted🥹Otherwise, you’ll be having a mouthful, and I know I did, but again- she means well, and that was most important for me always.

Plus, she’s stubborn by nature, meaning, she’ll work relentlessly however long it takes, to deliver the most suitable outcomes for your every situation, this is sure thing. Until she eliminated the last thing standing in her/your way, she just won’t give up!

As to what she can do, she is an excellent Multitasking witch, with tangible powers and knowledge of Light and Dark Magic as well as Santeria, and she is unlimited to one thing or another. So whatever your goal is, you can be sure to count on her, at any time of day or night- though you should know she mostly works when the Sun goes down, mostly in evenings or night ( for when you cast with her)😊

To please her, she’ll be the happiest to get rare stuff. Rare curios of any sort such as rare herbs, crystals, incenses, bones, stone shapes- pretty much anything unique or rare will do, as a gift. As for food she likes raw peas or corn in a cup, with no salt and nothing at the side. She takes drinks but for those she’ll instruct you what she wants almost always. She sometimes asked me to boil rice, add sugar and milk, and a pinch of cinnamon for her, and I don’t know what sort of drink is that, but it did taste good, even my son liked it when small🤷‍♀️😁

If you’ll give her water, she will like it with a piece of lime or orange in it, and I guess she’ll appreciate it if you add it without asking each time, she praised me for doing it when she didn’t ask me to😁🥰

For on the go, she can and will come along at any time while invited, and she can well do it without her vessel as well, for she is strong enough. Sometimes she came without me asking her, but that was always because either I was in danger or I needed some luck here and there although she said “she lacked occupation and was bored”🤷‍♀️

I know she is somehow stuck with the mentality she’s had, in not letting people know how much she cared, and she can be a handful sometimes, but I also trust she has best intentions, and if she chooses You to look after, she will never fail you🥹🙏🏻

I hope to get her a good home, now that she’s ready to move on. Perhaps with someone similar to her in a way or another,as I mentioned earlier🥹🩷✨

If you feel a connection, she is for you! Don’t let her slip away🩷 If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

*Her cause of Death is unknown to both me and her previous keeper. Whenever asked she says “I did it”, but she doesn’t talk about it at all, we got no other information or detail. - perhaps is something disappointing, painful or it was her choice for some reason, but it is best to bond longer with her before bringing it about, if at all, in respect for her🙏🏻

She will be wonderful with pets, children and all other spirits. She just loved my pets, I often seen her by my cats and dogs, or by my birds- and they find her very soothing, I could see from their reactions🥹🙏🏻 And whenever she asked me to prepare that drink she liked, after she saw my son liked- she increased the quantity of the ingredients, just to have enough “leftovers” for my son, and myself🥹🥰

She will speak with all divination tools, apps and telepathically 

*Her vessel is a beautiful, rather large vintage-antique doll, in pristine conditions considering its age. With exception of her eyes( that she insisted on pushing inside the doll’s head, as she prefers it that way- she made it clear by pushing them in, regardless how many times me or her previous keeper tried to put back)- she is perfect😊 She was kept with much love and respect by me and her previous keeper, Lisa.

*She will come safely wrapped and shipped with Express Courier service as with all my other spirits.



Orbs of dark blue, grey and silver colours, sometimes white

Shadows, not very often but rather slow and easier to be visible 

Steps more on the gentler side, can be noted with her at anytime during the day or evenings

Breezes of air, sometimes accompanied by a soft weird scent, like still-water, old or even lake water I dare say🤷‍♀️😅

I’ve heard her chanting various times, sometimes just humming different sounds- when she casted on her own

May gently knock on doors, walls or furniture to let you know she’s around

May move/ slightly move her vessel or curtains and blinds at times

Flickers lights/ candles- mostly when at work on things for you

May affect electronics- drains or fills batteries, adjust clocks 

May drink/ finish her liquid offerings

Telepathic communications- thoughts that aren’t yours, mainly for guidance but also to share her advise, opinions with you - whether they are Nice or not-so-nice😆😅

Visions- she may give off visions of the place she lived in, for she was so proud of her little hut and lands, or things you should know for yourself regards your goals

Success in manifestations of goals/ intentions/ spells can also be noted with her

Strong sense of being safe, of confidence and resilience is often noted with her as well

She may show her full appearance in her own time. She is a slightly cubby lady in her 40’s. Her skin is a bit darker, and her eyes are small, a little Asian looking if I may add.

She wears her dark hair plaited around her head, and a dark grey ruffled blouse, with a light grey skirt. She also wears lots of bracelets around both hands, made by natural stuff like bones shells and wood pieces with carved symbols on them. She is pretty, just almost never smiles- if she did she would look really cute I think 🥹🥰 She does exude strength and little darkness, but also wisdom, I can tell she’s been through enough pain or bad things in life. It takes one to know one as they say🙏🏻😌