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Akom - Sphynx Cat Spirit, Ancient and Highly Magical Fire Elemental Being For Success and High Level Protection

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In this beautiful and rather large vintage cat figurine resides Akom, a unique and Highly Magical Fire Elemental spirit, known as an ancient Sphynx Spirit of female form.

Akom became part of my life about 3 years ago, and was passed down as a family heirloom spirit, from my grandmother Irina’s  haunted spirit family 🥹🙏🏻

Irina was a well-known witch and spirit keeper from Eastern Europe, with strong reputation Bulgaria and Romania. After her passing, her collection was entrusted to my mother until I reached the appropriate age and spiritual maturity, at which point I was given full guardianship of her treasured spirit companions, as my granny desired🙏🏻

If you're unfamiliar with Sphynx spirits, Akom, like all of her kind, embodies profound wisdom and loyalty, as well as unmatched protective strength. These beings are quite rare yet incredibly powerful beings. In ancient Egypt, such spirits were exclusively reserved for rulers like the Pharaohs, providing guidance and protection both in life and beyond. 

Akom not only makes for an excellent protector but also an ultimate guide, for she as well as her kind are known to help their keeper unlock their full potential in every aspect of Existence such as our present life, and the afterlife. My granny said these spirits are doing amazingly by a keeper who needs help in Career, Finances, Relationships Emotional and Mental growth, or Spiritual development, and in fact this is what makes these souls so special, in the world of the Occult and Egyptian Magic 🥹🩷

Akom's lineage stretches back in time, to the sacred sites and temples of ancient Egypt, where Sphynx spirits were worshiped for their divine protection and seen as sacred beings. And according to my grandmother Irina, she says that any and all  Sphynx spirits are connected to the sun god Ra. In those times where Sphynx souls were revered for what they truly are, it was customary that when a Pharaoh passed, one or two Sphynx statues would be erected to serve as vessels for these unique souls, who would then accompany the great rulers into the afterlife🙏🏻

This is always possible with a Sphynx, unless their keeper chose to set them free like my grandmother did, with Akom and many of the other spirits in her keep, before her physical passing -out of love and gratitude for their loyal services🥹🙏🏻

However it is good to know that if not dismissed from service, Sphynx spirits stay by our side, loyally continuing their service even as we cross into our spirit forms or into future life cycles🥹😁

Akom’s presence exudes the timeless mystique of ancient traditions, not only due to her general behaviour, or the feel of her essence around you. Through her patience, wisdom and abilities, she offers a direct link and access to the vast spiritual heritage of some of the first major spiritual movements -that of Egyptian Magic. Long as you are and remain receptive, and willing to learning from this soul, the techniques she’ll reveal to you with regard to spiritual development and manifestation, will "blow your mind”- as my granny wrote in her notes when referring to her and her kind 🥰

Like other Sphynx cat spirits, Akom’s energy is strong yet gentle, and very protective. She exudes unconditional love, wisdom and an intense care that stretches to every person and being in her home as well as your belongings. I’ve even had her warn me not to rush and scratch my newest bag in the first day that she’s arrived if you can believe it, and I did not get such from any other soul in my keep- not that quick at least!🤭 And my granny said she’s protected her house more than once from fire, first due to the very old electric circuits, and second, as she fell in trance as she was cooking🤭😅

Visually, Akom is a stunning representation of the classic Sphynx form and that is humanoid in appearance with distinct feline features. Many Sphynx spirits appear exactly as they were depicted in ancient times, but their forms can actually vary greatly from Sphynx to Sphynx- and this is a known fact by all spiritual workers who actually encountered one. With regard to Akom’s looks- she has the lower body of a human, however, from her chest upwards like her hands, neck and head are that of a cat. She has gray skin without one bit of fur but lots of wrinkles on her face and body, even hands- and I just adore all my Sphynxes for this🥹🥰 She also has round gold/ hazel eyes, and super long pointed ears( similar to a real life Sphynx cat, though waaaaay bigger in size and pointier). Her beauty and uniqueness I’d say are utterly captivating and so endearing🥹

As far as her abilities go, my grandmother often called upon Akom’s powers for a wide variety of tasks such as wealth, health, career, popularity, success, beauty goals, love, self-love, or spiritual development.

Akom’s power to manifest has greatly improved countless lives, while in my granny’s keep and in mine, as her determination and loyalty proved to be unwavering🙏🏻

Now, as a Fire Elemental, Akom is an extremely devoted soul, and as with all of her kind, she is known to provide High-Level protection to her keeper, as well as helping us achieve our any goal. Her abilities are practically unlimited, just as her success rate -according to my granny Irina who counted on her way more than I did😅

My granny also shared that adding to their uniqueness, Sphynxes are inherently magic blockers -by making, able to offer complete protection from any magical force that doesn’t come from you or your trusted guides. As such, a Sphynx’s magical shield is an impenetrable one- and what this means is that as long as Akom remains by your side, you will never ever need to fear curses or harmful uninvited energies. Additionally, Sphynx spirits are immortal, immune to any power or magic a witch or  entity could wield, so they will never be manipulated, banned or erased from Existence- the only person who can actually relieve them from their charge is their keeper🤷‍♀️

Being by Akom is calming and comforting, is as if you’re being by your spiritual mother, as she offers such nurturing energies- I’ve often felt so relaxed and well rested by being in her presence🥹 But working with Akom is a breeze of fresh air, as it is practically an effortless process.

She responds to our intentions and desires, whether voiced aloud or written. For those who aren’t practicing witchcraft, writing down wishes in red ink and leaving them near her vessel for a month before burning the paper is the best way to work with Akom✨

 If you are a practising witch, you may add Akom into your any spell by placing her vessel by your spell works, as she will place her powers to amplify the potency and speed up any manifestations, especially in areas of Success or Protection, covering pretty much any category of spells🙏🏻

I didn’t count on her for myself more than once, however I did for my family and some of my clients in our time together, and all I can say is she’s been incredible- I couldn’t have asked for more. She’s also offered to upgrade my flight to business class in one of our travels to Australia, and after giving her the “go” she actually made it happen, all of her own will🥰

Do remember when you specifically task her, as with all Elemental beings, do not share to anyone what she did to help you. If you wish to share something- just state she works” wonderfully” for you, as this will be safe, and will prevent undoing her Magic, used to manifest your goals.

Her offerings, as per my granny’s notes are somewhat special, but nothing hard to access, especially online- which is what I did. She likes chilli jam on biscuits, Arabic gum tea, or chocolate dates, and coated nuts of all sorts. As for liquid offerings, rose tea, strong black coffee and cumin tea are her favourites. She will be delighted when offered spiced incense or scented candles( regardless of the colour) especially sandalwood or cinnamon ones🥰

And if you’d like her happy, golden accessories, or customised collars will make a wonderful detail which I am sure she’ll appreciate🥹

As per my granny’s advice, avoid offering her Anything at all, if you’re in a state of obligation and not pure joy and pleasure to give her something. This is one of the most important things to remember when offering Sphynx spirits🥹🙏🏻

Now, with regard to travel, is good to know she can come with and without her vessel for any amount of distance or time and be equally powerful to keep you safe or to come to your aid should you need anything.

She will prefer to keep an eye on you and ensure your well being at all times, thus she need not be specifically invited to come along, most of the times she will come and go- to check in on you as my granny said and I noted myself🥹🙏🏻

Akom is now ready to move on, and my grandmother’s notes suggest she will choose her next keeper, as with most of Sphynx spirits. I am sure that whomever becomes her new keeper will be immensely fortunate, as Akom’s love and loyalty knows no bounds🥹✨🙏🏻

If you feel a connection she’s for you! Don’t let her slip away🩷 If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

She will be safe and make a wonderful and caring companion not only for her keeper but also children, pets, and all other spirits within her keeper’s home🙏🏻

She will speak with all divination tools apps and telepathically 

*Her vessel is a beautiful and large vintage cat figurine in pristine conditions, and was kept with much love and respect by me and my granny Irina

*She will come safely wrapped and shipped with Express Courier service as with all my other spirits


Orbs of golden-brown colours,sometimes colourless- where only their contour can be noted

Gentle steps can be noted with her at any time of the day, as she constantly roams to make sure everything is okay and safe

Her shadows are rather quick, however you may certainly note them either in front of your house’s door or your room’s, as she acts as a guardian if she has no other tasks from you

Follows you with her eyes when she’s in her vessel, and it may feel like someone is physically there watching you intently- as her energies are rather strong

Breezes of air can be noted with her as she passes you by, at times accompanied by a soft cinnamon scent

As with most Sphynx spirits, Akom will want to spend some bonding time by her keeper’s side, to express her love or gratitude for you. Unlike my other Sphynxes, her “loving” is a bit different. She loves to push her head on your lap, or to your stomach- she is obsessed with puffiness, soft spots, the softer the better. Her “pushes” will not be strong, won’t hurt or anything like that, but you can totally feel her, if you’re a bit sensitive. I have offered her a small cat bed, and once she started doing it, I placed her vessel in a puffy cat bed, right by my side, and she just hopped right in her vessel, to feel it. This is particularly good when you need to focus on things😆

May affect electronics- especially when she is working on tasks given 

May drink/finish her liquid offerings

May flicker lights/candles

May manipulate incense smoke in communications

May appear in photos or videos with darker backgrounds or in mirrors- when the light is dim, at times

Telepathic communications-to guide or to answer you

Visions-also mainly for guidance, in your path or just daily life, telling you what you should do to succeed with one or another thing, but also to pass you urgent messages that you might have otherwise missed

Success in manifestation of any goals/ intentions for the Self and others can be noted with her at all times

Strong feelings of being loved unconditionally, accepted and protected can be noted with her at all times

Strong feelings resilience, strength, and confidence can be noted with her at all times as well

She may show her full appearance in her own time. First I would like to mention that though her half body is human, her height is not entirely. She barely has 1m in height, or maybe less. Both her human and cat body halves are entirely grey in colour, a blueish gray. She has no fur at all, but starting with her upper half she gets this absolutely adorable wrinkles, like those of a very fat cat. Her ears are also very long and sharply pointed, much longer than a regular, living Sphynx cat, and her eyes are of such beautiful golden hazel. I don’t think it will be hard to tell her apart from other Sphynxes, if you have more, for each one of mines are quite unique in appearance- though nevertheless adorable😁🥰