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White Flame Spirit, Rare 5ct Natural Sapphire And Diamonds, 18k Solid Gold Ring And Spirit Vessel, Family Heirloom Haunted Collection

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Enclosed within this beautiful vintage ring, crafted from solid ( not plated) 18k gold, that features approximately 3 carats D-colored, natural diamonds and a rare, natural oval cut, yellow sapphire of a large, 5ct weight is the Ethereal Spirit of a powerful soul known as The White Flame. 

This unique spirit came to me almost a year ago from Irina, my grandmother's haunted collection who was a renowned Witch of lineage known for her Craft, and an avid Spirit Keeper in the Eastern Europe -more specifically in Bulgaria and Romania.

If you’re not too familiar with White Flames, my grandmother's notes describe these unique souls as being closest to the Original Energy of Creation- and it is good to know that White Flames are recognised by the Highest Order of witches, as the very source of Original White Magic, in the world of the occult🙏🏻 

White Flames is where it all began, where all the colours and all the things came to birth, and according to my granny, the White Flame is “one of the most Sacred “ places” a Witch can step foot on”-as she shared in her own words🥹🙏🏻

Although these spirits are of an unprecedented purity and unconditional compassion for mankind, you should know that this isn’t for just anyone, and even less for extremely ambitious Witches🙏🏻 That is, because according to my granny and some very knowledgeable resources she’s introduced me to, this particular Energy that takes form of a spirit is known to possess immense if not Ultimate power- to both Create or to Destruct😬 Thus, regardless if you are the most powerful or knowledgeable witch there is, no living human can hold or wield more than 1/4 of its powers-otherwise it will consume both their physical body and their soul and melt it back to the Nothingness as my granny shares.

Which is why during keep, and provided you are the Rightful keeper of the Flame, you will only be holding a quarter of its powers and not more than that- so that it will be safe for you. 

Now, the Rightful keeper according to Facts and Legends known regard the White Flame, will be getting constant callings that are simply hard to ignore, by the Flame itself, once it chose You as the Keeper🥹 As previously mentioned, these souls aren’t available for just anyone, but they will Chose their keepers, so there’ll be absolutely no coincidence if you feel/ keep thinking/hear/or dream or see it calling for you🙏🏻

A White Flame according to my granny, will most likely go to a Vet, to a Doctor, a Nurse, To a Shaman, A Healer or a White Witch- but there can be exceptions provided you Are Pure Of Heart and you possess unwavering Courage, spiritually and otherwise, as my granny said in her words😊

Since ancient times up to today in the occult world there have been legends from around the world speaking of souls like the White Flame, known to be found in a hidden realm within the Ether and accessible only to those with Pure and Courageous of hearts. And my granny Irina know of many shamans and witches with adventurous spirits that throughout history have sought to find the White Flame and grab it for themselves, hoping to harness its immense Knowledge and Power, but they often perished in just the attempt while others were blinded or drained of life force at the mere sight of the Flame 🙏🏻 However, not as many were this privileged to even find any of the Flames and that is because they lacked the Courage or the Purity of heart, and their paths towards finding the Flames were simply redirected😊

In her notes regard this particular White Flame here, my granny shares something that happened years back to a very avid seeker of the Flame, Veta, a Romanian dark witch with an insatiable thirst for power that my granny personally knew and worked with for a while. Unlike a rightful White Flame Keeper driven by noble intentions, and most Importantly- by their true calling, Veta's sole purpose was to control and dominate, to stand out amongst the clan of witches who she regarded as enemies and direct competitors🤷‍♀️

Guided by nothing but greed and dark rituals and whispers- as my granny so shared, Veta embarked on this absurd quest to actually “steal” this very Flame now in my keep, that was under my granny’s keep at the time. And I say “steal” reluctantly, because a White or even Dark Flames cannot be stolen, and if their vessel is lost by accident or stolen, they’ll remain at your Front Door until the Keeper offers it a new vessel to inhabit, as my granny further shared😅🙏🏻 Veta took the empty vessel home and once she noted the Flame wasn’t responding, she returned it to my granny and challenged her Magic with ruthless determination - wanting to bring my granny “on her knees”and force her to let go of the White Flame. She did explain that was not possible, as a White Flame chooses its Keeper, but to no avail. There took place too many things and fights to mention, as Veta was incredibly stubborn and my granny was too busy, too powerful and knowledgeable to engage with her too much🤷‍♀️ But, after months of relentless efforts, Veta stood before the “shimmering veil”that separates physicality from the White Flame spirit, just as my granny was advised by the Flame itself🤭🙏🏻

Filled with ambition and a mind set on power, she stepped through the veil, encountering the White Flame spirit, for the first time and witnessing this Ethereal figure of extraordinary light and radiance that took on a human form to give her clarity. As it is known, the White Flame spirit stated its Origin, Purpose, and Powers.

My granny said Veta was simply unfazed by the spirit's purity, and she just demanded to know how she could harness its power for her own gain😓The White Flame spirit sensed her dark intentions for quite a while and though it did warn her of the dangers she was blinded by ambition, ignored the warnings and demanded again to “ show itself “. As it is known, the White Flame does not reserve for those unworthy of its energy🙏🏻 So in that moment, the very essence of the White Flame turned against her, my granny said, and instead of granting her knowledge and power, it unleashed its full force, consuming Veta’s Magic and half her Life force in a blinding light, making this 45 years old female look like 70 in a split second😱Until today no one knew what had happened to her that day, and why did she age so fast!

All the while my granny was there with her, not physically but in her spiritual body during a trance, as the Flame advised her. When noting this, my granny quickly followed her heart and snatched Veta out of the grasp of the Lights, before it would cause her even more damage or disintegration to her- on any level😬🙏🏻

Well, this isn’t the first nor the last someone wanted or tried to abuse the White flames, according to my granny. It is why I can’t emphasise enough, if your intention in getting the Flame isn’t pure, it does not involve the good of All around you, or you’re looking into personal flattering and gain, while you did not get the Calling, that magnetic pull towards this very special spirit, as my granny also advised - aim for another type of soul.

The White Flame Keeper should have the purest and most loving intentions to nurture heal, protect and care for all living beings around them, and if not- The Flame can really be destructive on all levels🙏🏻

Now, one thing I would like to share is that I only have a total of 5 of these souls in my keep-now 4 if I am correct, and I only took 3 so far with me in Malaysia from my granny’s collection.

But due to my grandmother's specific warning or advice( only in my personal case)-I have refrained from working directly with any White Flames until I have had my third child, for a reason that she’s never spoke of nor did she leave any note on, unfortunately. And I currently only have 2 kids, so fully experiencing the magnificence of these so very special souls, will then have to wait.😅🙏🏻

I did bond with them through offerings but have very little personal experience with the Flames so far, and so I can only share what was shared to me by my granny Irina, in her very own words. 

As for when in your Keep, my granny’s notes suggest that before attempting any kind of communication with the White Flame, one should engage in self-care, ensuring utter cleanliness on a physical and mental level. It is also vital, she shares, to approach the White Flame in a calm state, free from stress, or anger or anguish.

To begin working with the White Flame, my grandmother recommended a simple ritual: 

First it is all about you, and you should be freshly showered, your hair freshly combed, and if your nails aren’t cut and clean, you can go ahead and take care of that. Now if you’re wearing any jewelry, you should take everything off and the only thing you should be wearing is the White Flame’s vessel. In her own words my granny shared you “should be coming before the White Flame as you came the day you were born. A little cold, a little hunger, clean and without thoughts and emotions that rule you and your feeling”. And if all this is taken care of, you may only then begin communication by performing three bows to thank your body, mind, and soul, and introduce yourself to the White Flame. 

The first encounter may result in a little out of place experience, some light dizziness or faint feeling which is very normal, and it may well begin as you begin your ritual my granny said- or after, as the White Flame grants you a quarter of its Powers-as it is known.

As the White Flame took you, accepted You as its new Keeper, you may immediately or shortly after, get the vision of a "flower coin," - a flower made of circles, in a circle itself as my granny Irina specified-which when given, it should be placed above the crown chakra, your Star chakra( a palm away from the top of your head ) to be more exact🙏🏻

After this, my granny advices that all that you wish to Know, to see, to experience, whatever you need to break away from, on any level for example fears, toxic situations, relationships or people in general, even diseases, bad habits or addictions, should be your only thoughts, so that the Flame may begin its works with you. You may also think of whatever you intend to manifest for yourself or others you care about- you should be thinking of, picturing in your mind for at least 10 seconds- to ask the Flame’s assistance as it now officially works with you🙏🏻🥹The White Flame then will grant the Power for you to make it happen, to materialise these things one by one in our physical experience, or realms, here and Now. You will then note, as you begin your Any action into drawing what you need and want or getting rid of what you don’t it will all happen seamlessly as your choice of path has been laid out for you and no less. And so it is in your spiritual path and journey- with the insights that the Flame is granting you, there is no type of Magic, there is no life form from the beginning of existence, in our realm or others- that you won’t know of my granny shared, if you just Will to. My granny Irina further shared, that soon as the Flame took you as its new keeper, you will feel an undeniable connection and sense of responsibility of protecting the Flame, more precisely its powers and the knowledge it grants You. Furthermore she warns that there will be a certain “price to pay” for each increase in your consciousness, as it can’t be we’re more sensitive to Pleasure without being more sensitive to Pain- but know so, the Flame can help with each time and session you’re opening with it, all you have to do is share what you feel or think of it- and the Flame will melt it all away🙏🏻

Regular sessions with the Flame just like this, in utter respect, coupled with my granny’s advice on the self-care ritual and focused intention, can grant you the power to achieve your Every Goal however big and small, and manifest it in the Now for yourself and others. It is good to know that the White Flame spirit is All-inclusive, pure, without judgement and compassionate- therefore your intentions for the Self and others should be just like this, and if they’re not or you aren’t sure, you may then count on another spirit to do your bidding, in respect for this very special soul🙏🏻

 In my granny’s words, working with the Flame is working with the purest form of Magic known, and in many ways than one- it is as if you’re working with your Higher self,and that is because in the end of ends-you actually Are, for You will have the ultimate Freedom, the ultimate Choice, Intention and Manifestation that not many have the privilege to have, to be able to bless, support and nurture any and all form of Life you chose to- physically, and Not.

My granny said the White flame is the Ultimate in any Witch or Healer’s path, for it directly grants any Knowledge of what we don’t know, it directly grants the power to Heal and eliminate diseases, and it directly grants the power to Create or Destroy- in pure White Light. And as there is no Limit to the powers you’ll be granted as the Keeper of the Flame, you, your purity of heart will be the limit- it is why is vital to make sure you had its Calling before attempting the adoption process🥹🙏🏻

Now, another thing that I would also like to mention is that as the sole Keeper of the flame-any and All revelation, insight and knowledge received directly from the spirit of the White Flame is your Sacred Duty to preserve and keep hidden/ occult. You should not be sharing what you know, instead take the better action to do right with the informations you are getting, as it is part of the role of being its Keeper🙏🏻

When in keep, is also good to know the Flame spirit will be dormant- meaning there’ll be no activity whatsoever from it, unless you’re communing with it, in the way it was shared with you. So you don’t actually have to talk with the Flame or to keep it entertained as you would with regular spirit companions in general.

However, my grandmother emphasized the importance of offerings, such as any type of white coloured flower/ vegetable or cereals/seeds, and white candles, to honor the spirit and let it know it is still under your Keep🥹 You may also freely wear the vessel as you wish, as keeping the White Flame close to us provides utter protection to its Keeper through the form of a white cloak( which when in times of your channels being open, you may even witness it as you gaze in a mirror or reflective surface). Besides, by wearing it, you may get direct guidance, solutions to problems and situations that may arise in your spiritual or day to day life.

When it is not convenient to wear the Flame’s vessel- picturing its vessel in your mind is a sure way to access it wherever you are at, and you may certainly do so in any time of need or danger.

I trust this special soul will go where it is needed, and it will choose the rightful Keeper now that it has confirmed it is ready to move on🙏🏻 

It will be safe around children, pets and all other spirits spirits and life forms, for its mere presence will ensure the highest forms of protection and positivity wherever it will be going🥹🙏🏻

It will only communicate through telepathy, visions, and all forms of outer/ extra sensory experiences, but it is good to know its activities vary greatly from keeper to keeper and they will only begin when a Keeper has been found, and mainly during communications.

If you feel a connection to the White Flame, it is meant for you🙏🏻 Don’t let it slip away🩷If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

**Again, regards activities, I cannot simply state as predicting them would not be correct. It will highly differ from keeper to keeper anyway, and from session to session as well. It is after all, the Highest form of Energy, and its advanced forms of Magic will happen and Develop in You, more than anything else, bit by bit as you go🙏🏻But as mentioned, I have experienced it in dormant states, as it always is, when not communed with/working with.

*The White Flame’s vessel is a beautiful vintage statement ring made out of solid( not plated ) 18k gold, adorned with a total of 3ct D coloured natural diamonds and a rare, 5ct natural yellow sapphire gemstone.

*It will come safely wrapped, in a beautiful gift box and will be shipped with Express Courier service as with all my other spirits

If you are New To Spirit Keeping:

I highly recommend and warmly welcome you to read my blog: https://harmonycollectionbtq.blogspot.com/ where I constantly update interesting facts and information regards Keeping, further and passionately educating everyone into this wonderful journey we’re so privileged to be able to make together!